
Wednesday, September 29, 2021

ALMIGHTY GOD SEES YOU: Certificate Of Character!?!


Old Man! 
New Man! 
Almighty God Sees You!

What Is In Your Earthly Certificate Of Character!?! 

Do You Know That You Need 
"Certificate Of Character" 
To Get Into The Everlasting Kingdom!?! 

Do You Know That You Cannot Purchase 
A Black-Market Certificate Of Character 
For The Heavenly Realm 
By Your Own Hand Aka Life
With Your Own Words
You Will Be "Writing" Your Own Character Reference!?! 

How Do You Like Them Apples!?! 

Does This Knowledge Make You Want To 
Straighten Up And Fly Right!?! 



Would You Let You Into Heaven 
Based On Your Present Thoughts, Words, And Deeds!?! 

If You Were Being Considered For A Position 
With A Top Secret Clearance 
The Secret Service Agents Came To You 
To Ask You For A Reference For Yourself
Would You Recommend Yourself As Wise
Alert To Time And Place
Competent, Kind, Caring
True, Efficient, Proficient
Professional, Trust-Worthy
Personable, Temperate
Enduring, Giving, Forgiving, Good
Helpful, Hope-Filled, Faithful
Nurturing ... Christ-Like!?! 

Are You Able To Say "Yes!" With A Straight Face!?! 

Please Never Forget That 
Your Attitude Affects Your Altitude 
Both In The Realm Of Flesh 
In The Spiritual Realm! 

Please Put Off Your Old Man-Character 
Put On Your New Man In Christ: 
No Created Being Can Stop The Heart For Christ 
From Soaring To The Realms Now Marked As Unknown! 

Dare To Be Like Our Lord Jesus! 
Pray And Press On! 

1 comment:

  1. By Your Will, Dear Father, I Will To Be Like My Beloved Christ Jesus!


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