
Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Never Alone!

No One Stands Alone! 

Physically Being By Yourself  Says That 
You Are Alone! 

To Other People Observing You
They May Say That You Are Alone 
If Only They Knew The Truth! 

As Committed Christians
We Often Stand Aside From The Crowd 
We Are Not Alone! 

There Are Times When You Will Be 
The Center Of Unwanted Attention 
You Feel Cut-off From The Comfort Of 
Like-Minded Companionship: 
You Are Not Alone! 


From The Moment Of Your Birth
Holy Angels Were On Assignment: 
How Many, Dear Ones, Is Not For Us To Opine! 

As We Walk With The Lord
These Holy Ones Influence Us 
To Do The Good And The Right
They Abide With Us In Our Rest 
As And After We Bid Day-Time "Good Night!" 

Alas, And Alack
I Would Be Remiss If I Do Not Warn You That 
There Are Unholy Aka Fallen Angels Around You 
          Eagerly Willing 
                Truly Able To Harm You! 

Be Sober 
Please Choose To Trust The Living Word Of 
The Lord Who Gives Life That 
He Will Never Leave You Or Forsake You 
Has Provided His Holy Spirit To Comfort 
Correct You
All Day And All Night! 

Please Know And Accept The Good Counsel 
You Will Reject The Bad 
As Long As You Remember That 
The World's Idea Of Aloneness Is Not Yours 
Your Loving Father 
Almighty God ... The King Of Grace And Glory! 

Please Spend Alone-Time With The Lord: 
Pray ... Pursue The Ever-Present God Patiently! 
Look Up! 


1 comment:

  1. Please Help Me, Dear Father, To Rest Peacefully, To Work Conscientiously, And To Walk Wisely And Faithfully In The Knowledge That You Will Never Leave Me Or Forsake! Please Help Me To Keep "Thus Saith The Lord!" As My Life's Guide!


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