
Wednesday, September 15, 2021

SUCCESS AT CALVARY: It Is Jesus Christ-Alive, Alone, Who Saves!

If Our Hope In The Living  God 
Built On Anything Other Than Jesus Christ
His Righteousness
His Successfully Completed Work On The Cross Of Calvary 
The Fact That His Was A Sinless Sacrifice 
Totally Accepted By His Father
I Totally Recommend That 
We All Be Prepared To Be Completely Disappointed 
By What It Is That We Believe Is Better 
Aka More Profitable Than The Lamb Of God 
Who Takes Away The Sin Of The World! 

For Every Gift Of Almighty God 
There Is A Counterfeit Freely Sold By Satan 
As A Result
There Are Some In "Religious Royalty" 
Who Are Confidently Broadcasting That 
Jesus Christ Was Himself A Sinner 
An Abject Failure As Our Only Savior! 


If These Claims Held Water
Our Hope For Heaven Is For Nothing 
The Father Has Not Accepted His Son's Sacrifice For Sin
Christ Is Dead
Our Promised Salvation
With New Life In This Same Christ
As The Sand In A Desert Storm! 

Sinners Cannot Live
Almighty God's Presence! 

Brethren, Beloved

We Must Each Know The Word Of Our God 
For Our Own Selves! 

We Will Not Understand Everything Now 
We Will Surely Understand Hereafter!

"Pastor Preacher Priest Pope Said" 
Is Not 
Proof Of Bible Knowledge! 
Please Read And Study The LivingWord 
For Your Own Education 
Your Own Soul's Salvation! 

Neither Satan Nor Lying Mortal Man Is Our Savior: 
Jesus Christ-Alive, Alone, Saves
The Holy Spirit Teaches Those Who Are Willing 
To Humbly Learn The Truth From Him!
Come To Jesus Now! 


1 comment:

  1. Father, I Gladly Acknowledge And Accept That The Preserved Word Of God Is The Transcript Of Your Character, And I Choose To Believe That The Preserved Word And The Word Made Flesh Who Preserves Are One And The Same, And Infallible! Please Keep Me Safe In Your Care As I Stand Up For My Savior, Jesus Christ The Lord Who Is Love And Life!


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