
Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Appearances Reveal A Lot!


If Your Bird, Your Cat, And Your Dog All Bark 
Which One Is The Real Guard Dog!?!

Nature Wins Out! 

Think About This ...

If Your Church Pastor Is A Noted Bass-Man 
Who Is Suddenly Singing Soprano
And Is A Man At The Church 
And The Lady Of The House Called Home
A Day Trader 
And A Night Walker 
Preaches The Most Riveting Sermons Of Truth 
About Another Jesus And Another Gospel
Is He Still The Anointed, Appointed
True, Faithful, Servant Of The Holy God!?! 

Dear Lord!
Even On Paper, This Looks Evil!

Who Is He!?! 
Who Are We!?!
What Are We All Saying And Doing!?! 

Are We All Alright With Our Lord!?! 


Goods Come In Various Sizes, Colors, Packages
For All Tastes! 
Some Are Good And Delicious! 
Some Smell Sweet But Are Deadly! 
Some Taste Horrid And Are Healthful! 

The Good And Healthful Come In Simple Colors 
Plain Packaging
The Sweet And Deadly Are Delightfully Packaged 
To Overload The Senses! 

How, Then, Does One Shun All Evil 
When Good For You Ain't Appealing To You!?! 

Work Your Gift Of Faith ...

Choose To Trust The Word Of The Lord
Follow The Great Example Aka Jesus Christ
Don't Ever Forget That Good, Right, Truth, Light
Love, Joy, Hope, Peace
Blessing Have No Need Of Added Color
A Run Through The Spin Cycle
The Tender Devotions Of The Polish Brush Or Cloth
Or A Whiff Of The Perfume Called Purity! 

All The Gifts Of God Are Good 
A Million Years From Their First Appearance 
They Will Still Look, Smell, Taste
Feel, Speak
Definitely Do As Ordered By The Creator God! 

Inside And Outside
Are The Same Thing!

Goodness Doesn't Need To Glory
Change Its Nature
Speak Itself Into Relevance
Or Be Fashionable 
To Fit In To Execute Its Mission! 

Our Good Lord Jesus 
The Same Real Savior 
Yesterday, Today, And Forever! 

There Is No Evil In Our Blessed-Forever Jesus: 
Embrace Him
Trust His Heart! 


If Something Has The Look Of Evil
Don't Make Jokes
Call It A Masquerade Costume!


A Washed Sow Is Still A Pig
A Pig In Pearls
Can Still Tear You Apart!


1 comment:

  1. I Sincerely Pray, Dear Father, That By Your Saving Grace What Comes Out Of Me And Shows Who I Am Will Surely Reveal That It Is Indeed The Spirit Of The Living God Who Resides Within My Heart!


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