
Monday, September 13, 2021

The Evil That Men Do Lives After Them!

There Is The Famous Expression Which Says: 
"The Evil That Men Do Lives After Them!" 
Have You Personally Considered That The Reverse Is Also True: 
"The Good That Men Do Lives After Them!?!" 


Being A Free-Will Agent
With Freedom To Choose To Do Either Right Or Wrong
Love Or Hate
Do Good Or Evil
To Dwell In The Light Of Life 
Abide In The Darkness Of Death
Which Would You Honestly And With Wisdom Choose!?! 

The Children Of The Light 
Aka The Children Of Day
The Children Of The Heavenly Father 
Should, Without Hesitation Or Reservation
Choose Love, Light, Day, Good, Right
Eternal Life! 

Anything That Is Lawless Aka Sinful 
Has A Short Shelf Life When Compared To Eternity 
So Don't Waste Time 
Going After What Shall Not See The Light Of Life 
After The Lord's Appearing! 

Goodness Grows! 
Hope Heals! 
Happiness Elevates!


Truth, Saving Truth, Radically Transforms! 

Sooo, How About Building 
A Sure House With Bricks Of Goodness 
Plastering Them With The Cement Of Truth!?! 

How About Panelling Your Walls With Trust In God!?! 

How About Having Windows Made Of Faith 
Your Stairways Constructed From Endurance!?! 

Brethren, Beloved

Please Make Your Doors Out Of Obedience 
See That Every Nail And Screw Used 
Of The Living Word 
Which Unerringly Preserves The Inhabitants! 

Do You Know The Pedigree Of Your Legacy!?! 

It Is Not Too Late To Change Direction! 
Jesus Christ, Alone, Saves
Always To The Uttermost! 

1 comment:

  1. Please Help Me, Dear Father, To Always Do What Is Good And Right In Your Holy Eyesight So That Your Holy Name Is Ever Glorified And Jesus Christ The King Is Ever Praised!


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