
Tuesday, October 26, 2021

All Expenses Paid, Attire Provided Trip!

Satan Is Not Your Friend! 
He Passionately Hates You
Jesus Christ Loves You 
Because You Have An All Expenses Paid Ticket
Attire-Provided Trip To The Realm Of 
The Forever-Blessed! 

Satan Poisonously Hates You 
He Knows That If You Remain True 
Faithful To The Lord Christ
You Shall Surely Get To Enter 
Where He Can Never Trespass Again 
You Will Assuredly Experience Joys Forevermore 
Which He Cast Away As Cheap And Useless Things! 


Our Enemy Cannot Hurt Us 
When We Choose To Be Humble And Faithful: 
He Can Hurt Us When We Are Proud And Doubtful! 

We Damage Satan 
When We Obediently Choose To Rest In The Lord Christ
When We Find Our Greatest Fulfillment In Serving Our Savior 
By Loving And Caring For Our Brethren!
Jesus Christ Is The Rock Of Our Salvation
Our Refuge And Strength
The Anchor For Our Souls 
The Only Way Satan Can Effectively Hurt Us 
If We Do As Satan Did When He Was Lucifer, The Light Bearer:
Satan Saw Himself Instead Of His Maker 
He Saw Himself In The Position Of The Almighty God! 

Mirrors Are Amazing 
For Disclosing How Good We Look In Glad Rags
How Silly We Look With A Wardrobe Malfunction
Dirty Eyes, Snotty Nose, And Crusty Lips 
They Are Truly Lousy At Disclosing A Black Heart! 

If You Want To See The Condition Of Your Heart Today
Take A Look In The Good Book 
Proceed To The Throne Of Grace In Humble Prayer! 

Remember, Remember 
Don't Ever Forget ... 

Jesus Christ ... Our Lord
Loves You More Than Satan ... Our Adversary
Can Ever Hate You! 

Please Avail Yourself Of Christ's Sacrificial Love That 
Eternally Lives 
Infinitely Gives! 


1 comment:

  1. I Thank You, Dear Father, For The Promise Of Everlasting Life In The Kingdom Of The Blessed: In Working, Waiting, Watching Faith That Cannot Fail, I Accept The All Expenses Paid, Attire Provided Trip Home To Glory! I Love You And I Give Praise!


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