
Wednesday, October 27, 2021

The Minor Prophet's Major Question!

The Book Of Minor Prophet Amos
Has Asked The Major Question That 
Every Committed-To-Christian Needs To Bluntly Ask 
Truthfully Answer! 

With Whom Are You Walking!?! 
Where Are You Heading!?! 
Is There A Meeting Of The Minds 
Are You In Total Agreement 
With The Proposed Course Of Action!?! 


Just As There Cannot Be Two Roosters In One Hen-House
There Cannot Be Two Number One Goals In Any Mission! 

On The Other Hand, The Question Becomes
"Are You Just Tagging Along For The Ride 
Because You Are A Lazy Thinker, Weak-Willed
Lonely, Looking To Belong
Or Just Plain Lost
A Problem Looking For A Bold Solution
A Heart Looking For The Perfect Home!?!" 

Please, I Beseech Us All
Do Not Take Up Other People's Causes 
They Have Big Mouths
Big Houses
Big Cars
Big Bank Balances
Base Beliefs Masquerading As Truth For Today! 

Walking With The Lord Christ 
Walking With Wisdom, Understanding 
Knowledge Which Leads To An Expected End! 

Your Travelling Companion 
The Author And Finisher Of Your Faith 
He Is Well Able 
To Protect And Provide For All 
Who Choose Him As Their Eternal Portion! 

Jesus Christ The Righteous King
Has All The Answers Before You Even Ask Your Questions: 
It Is Safe To Trust And Walk With Him! 


1 comment:

  1. By Your Saving Grace, Dear Father, I Will Walk Wisely With Jesus Christ My Lord!


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