
Thursday, June 30, 2022

Act ... To Be Attached!

King David Said: 

"The Lord Is My Shepherd
I Shall Not Want!" 

The Gospel Song Writer Ralph Carmichael Said: 

"Because The Lord Is My Shepherd
I Have Everything That I Need!" 

Two Statements Of Fact 
Thousands Of Years Apart 
Delineating The Faith And Belief In The One God 
In The Person Of Jesus Christ The Lord
The Creator, Provider, Director, Savior, Deliverer 
Who Loves His Sheep Totally
Without Inhibition
To The Satisfaction Of The Soul! 


Do You Co-Sign Aka Agree With And Approve Of 
The Bold Sentiment Expressed!?! 

Does Your Daily Life Say To Others 
Show To Your Keenly Watching Observers That 
You Surely Do Have Confidence In Christ 
Am Not Dismayed By Not Receiving 
What You "Knew In Your Heart Of Hearts!" 
- Whatever That Means - 
That You Had To Have 
Did Not Receive?!" 

Is Your Faith Fickle Or Firm!?! 
Is Your Confidence Cement Or Cosmetic!?! 
Is Your Love Lax Or Latched!?! 

Dear Ones, 

We Have To Believe To Receive: 
We Have To Act To Be Attached! 

We Have To Pray 
We Don't Want To Fall Prey 
To The Lies And Sophistries Of The Devil 
Who Can Sell Ice To An Eskimo 
That Eskimo Does Not Solidly Know Of 
Understand The Truth About The Ground
- The Icy Ground - 
Upon Which He Stands! 

Are You Growing Up In The Lord!?! 

Do You Remember That 
"Thus Saith The Lord!" 
Lie And Liar Repellant 
Fraud Eraser!?! 

Know Your God 
Stick To Your Goal: 
Heaven With Christ! 

We Have To Believe Him Here 
To Belong With Him There! 


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