
Friday, July 1, 2022

Happy Sabbath + You Are Never Alone Walking With The Lord!

Yesterday Has You Bitter! 
Today Has You Jaded
Tomorrow Has You Sour! 

With All This "Has-Ing" 
When Are You Going To Permit 
Jesus Christ The Great Physician To Have At You 
Since He Is The Only One 
Who Can Make All Of Your Wrong Things Right!?! 


Will Your Being Bitter About Yesterday 
Cause Yesterday To Change The Past To Become Sweet!?! 

Will Your Being Jaded Aka Unenthusiastic 
Aka Unimpressed With Today 
Stop It From Passing From Time Into Eternity 
Without Your Approval And Permission!?! 

Will Your Being Sour About Tomorrow Change The Fact That 
Tomorrow's Sun Will Never Rise 
Or Negate The Word Of Almighty God Which Says That 
No Man Aka Human Being Is Promised The New Day!?! 

Dear Ones, 

As Bible-Thumping As It May Sound
Our Wants, Wailing, Demands, And Desires 
Can Never Change Almighty God's Will 
Or Alter His Spoken Or Written Commands! 

We Have To "Come-To" Aka Get Around To 
The Lord's Ordered Way Of Living 
Or Be Ordered Away To The Second Dying! 

Rich Or Poor, Free Or Enslaved
The Lord Has Brought You To Trial Or Test
He Is With You To Overcome 
Emerge Blessed And Benefitted 
As Long As You Remain In The Holy Faith Which Cannot Fail
Trusting And Enduring All Things In Jesus' Name 
For His Sake! 

You Are Never Alone
Walking With The Lord! 

The Decision ... As Always
Our Very Own To Make 
With No Enticement Or Coercion Allowed! 

This Is A Fix Yuh Face
Fix Yuh Attitude
Fix Yuh Future Moment: Take It! 
Any Questions!?! 


1 comment:

  1. Lord, I Yield! Whatever You Do Is Well Done And I Am Blessed! Please Help Me To Ever Be Grateful For Your Saving Grace!


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