
Sunday, June 5, 2022

AVAILABLE: Free Enemies!


To Anyone 
Who Will Live Godly Lives
In Christ Jesus: 
For Acquisition: 
Stand Up For Jesus Christ 
Stand Firmly Against All Things 
Which Would Crucify Our Dear Savior Afresh! 

Dear Ones, 

It Must Be Understood That 
As Long As We Do Not Fit In With That Worldly-Wise Lot 
Who Question The Word, Ways, And Works Of 
The Only Wise God 
And, Instead
Are Named Wise-Unto-Salvation
Detractors, Haters, Instigators, Tempters
Tormentors, And Spoilers 
Will Show Up Like Vultures 
Wait For You To Drop In Your Tracks 
From Exhaustion 
To Await Death 
So That They May Pick Your Bones Clean! 


By Almighty God's Grace
Disappoint The Evil-Doers! 

We Belong To The Most High God 
We Are To Lose Ourselves In His Undying
Unchanging, Unfailing, Love 
Which Untiringly Works For Our Soul Salvation 
Gives Sacrificially For Our Eternal Blessing! 

Let Us Be Glad That 
We Are Numbered Amongst Those 
Who Are Counted Worthy To Suffer For Our Lord! 

Please Take Note That 
We Will Be Suffering For The God Who Creates
The God Who Is Life
Whilst Those Who Work For The Enemy Of Souls 
Work For The Father Of Lies
Who Only Births Sin, Death, Shame, And Sorrow
Leaves His Adherents, His Followers, With No Hope 
For A New Life In The Eternal God's Sweet Tomorrow! 

Please Stand Up For Jesus Christ The King 
Knowing That You Do Not Stand Alone! 


1 comment:

  1. Whatever My Lot, Dear Father, Let It Be That All Is Well With My Soul Because I Choose To Stand Up For My Lord Jesus Christ In His Gift To Me Of Unfailing Faith, And For Love!


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