
Monday, June 6, 2022

Humble-Pride!?! Prideful-Humility!?!

There Can Be No Pride 
When We Are Praying To Or Praising The Lord God Almighty! 


When We Approach The Throne Of Grace
It Is For A Purpose Which Should In All Aspects 
Please Our Creator 
Should Ever Be For His Glory And Our Good! 

Can You See Why The Lord Accepted The Prayer Of 
The Publican Who Recognized His Wretched Condition 
Saw His Great Need For 
The Mercy, The Saving Grace, Of The Eternal God 
Summarily Rejected The Pompous, Privileged
Posturing Pronouncements Of The Prideful Pharisee 
Who Behaved As Though He Was Doing The Living God A Favor 
By Cataloging His "Virtues" 
In That Very Public Sphere For The World To Hear!?! 

Dear Ones, 

If There Is Even The Mildest Stench Of Pride In Our Prayers
We Have Got Ourselves A Problump 
Aka A Problem Which Will Cause Us To Be Lumped With The Proud
Disobedient, Unrepentant Workers Of Iniquity! 

Let's Make It A Point 
To Ever Remember To Humble Ourselves 
Seek The Lord's Face ... His Presence! 

Pride Got Lucifer Evicted From Heaven: 
Pride Will Keep Us From Entering! 

Please Remember Also That 
There Is No Such Thing As Humble-Pride Or Prideful-Humility! 

There Are No Two-Color Saints' Robes: 
The Robe Of Righteousness 
Clean And White Linen! 

Please Make A Note 
Behave According To Your Preferred Eternal Destination's 
Code Of Conduct! 


1 comment:

  1. Please Help Me, Heavenly Father, To Ever Humble Myself In Your Holy Sight So That You Will Lift Me Up In The Appointed Hour!


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