
Friday, June 3, 2022

HAPPY SABBATH + On The Horns Of A Dilemma!

The Chant Is Often Heard: 
"No Justice: No Peace!" 
People Are Suitably Impressed Or Terrified About What Is Next! 

There Is No Justice Without Truth! 

Jesus Christ Is The Truth 
He Is Also The Prince Of Peace Who Is Our Peace! 

Without Jesus
We Will Never Know Almighty God's Grace 
Aka Favor Aka Power 
Or Experience His Mercy 
We Would Be Subject To God's Strict Justice 
Which Will Be Ministered Then 
Without His Now Presently Available Free-To-All Mercy! 

This, Dear Ones
What One Would Call Being On The Horns Of A Dilemma! 

Sin-Loving Man Wants 
What Only Almighty God Through Jesus Christ Our Lord Can Give 
Without Jesus Christ Being Involved! 
That's A Big-Able Problem! 

Not To Put Too Fine An Edge On The Razor
We Always Want People's Things Without Asking 
Or Paying For The Privilege Of Ownership! 

Man-Peace Is No Peace 
Man's Idea Of Justice 
Most Often Perverted To Benefit The Highest Bidder! 
This Is Not So With The Eternal God
The Judge Of All Flesh! 


Let Us This Day Walk Humbly Before Our God
Honoring And Pleasing Him In His Holiness
So That In Our Hour Of Trial 
It Is Jesus Christ, Himself
Who Will Plead His Shed Blood For Us
At His Judgment Bar! 

Perfect Peace Is Precious 
Part Of The Salvation Plan! 
Peace Be Upon You! 

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Lord, Please Hear My Prayer To Love Peace And To Live Justly In Your Holy Sight! Please Bless Me To Do What Is Good And Right Because You Have Commanded Your Children To Honor You With Our Obedience To Your Word And To Your Will ... For Love!


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