
Thursday, June 2, 2022

Wisdom And The Word From The Only Holy One!

When Desire And Contentment Are Not Aligned 
With The Will And Ways Of The Lord
The End Result Is The Game Of Footsy 
Played With And Against Us By The Known-Wily God-Fraud
Satan The Known-Damned! 


Desire Works For And/Or Against Us! 
The Choice Is Our Own 
To Make Desire Work For Us
We Need To Make A Direct Call To The Holy One! 

Desire For Truth
To Know And Do Right
To Walk In The Life Of Light
To Escape Sin's Blight
Comes From The Word Of The King Of Love
Our Shepherd Of Rest
Who, Alone, Can Help Us Known-Sin To Confess! 

Dear Ones, 

Contentment In Sin 
The Lie That Costs The Gullible
The Misinformed
The Rebels Without A Cause
To Throw Away Their Purchased Lives 
With Living Like A Lost Coin
A Lost Sheep
Like A Prodigal Hell-Bent On Proudly Going 
Where He Was Neither Called To Nor Sent! 

A Lost Coin Can't Find Itself! 
A Lost Sheep Is Going Without Knowing
The Proud Prodigal Goes Boldly Into 
The "Heard Of That Great Unknown" 
Will Not Come To His Senses 
Until Willingness To Eat A Pig-Swill Sandwich 
Sharply Calls Him To Reason
Desire For Better Urges Him To Go Home! 

Walk In The Will Of God 
Desire Will Always Be For Better
The Best That Comes From The Hand Of God 
Which Cuts From Us Sin's Fetters
Which Brings To Us Contentment-In-Christ
Which We Gain From Daily Reading His Love Letter! 

Did You Read Your Bible Today!?! 


1 comment:

  1. Thank You, Heavenly Father, For The Living, Holy, Word Which Is Guiding Me In Working Out My Own Salvation With Fear And Trembling!


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