
Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Lies Cannot Change The Truth!

Despite What The Professional Liars In Hollywood
And The World Around Would Have Us Believe
There Is No One Day On Repeat
One Person Is Not Always The Underdog
Not Everybody Gets Rich
The Elitist Families Of This World Can't Buy Everything
White Is Not Might
Brown Is Not Down
Black Is Not Slack
The Rainbow Isn't A Gay Flag
Love Isn't Love Nor An All-Powerful Chemical! 


The Point To Ascertain Is That 
Loud-Mout' Man 
Does Not Get To Change Almighty God's Words
Laws, Times, Nor Orders! 

Just The Facts ... 

Morning Will Always Follow Evening! 

The Poor Will Be With Us Always!

The Covenant Rainbow Will Always Be Insignia 
To "Remind" The Lord 
Never To Again Destroy The Earth By A Flood
Praying Will Always Lift Us Up To God! 

Dear Ones, 

Pretending That We Mortals 
Can Make Almighty God Fit On Our Customized Chess-Board 
Won't Make It So 


Telling People That Victory Over Sin Is Impossible 
Does Not Change It From Being A Requirement 
For The Saints Of God And Christ 
Or Make It Impossible To Achieve! 

The Word Of God Shall Stand Forever 
Our Obligation To Honor Christ Will Never Be Obviated 
Aka Removed, Rendered Unnecessary
Or Made A Waste Of Time! 

The Holy Spirit 
Almighty God's Only Representative On Earth 
As The Great School-Master
He, A Person, Will Lead Us-Willing Into All Truth! 

Man Cannot Be Trusted As All Of His Thoughts Are 
Only Evil Continually 
So Dare To Trust Jesus Christ ... Alone 
In And For All That Concerns You
Your Life
Your Living! 



1 comment:

  1. Thank You, Heavenly Father, For Providing The Unchanging Truth To Bless Us On Our Homeward-Bound Journey!!


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