
Friday, September 16, 2022

HAPPY SABBATH + Contented In Christ!


There Is Nothing More Satisfying In This Life After Coming To Christ 
Than Coming To That Way-Marker Scribed As 
"Contented In Christ!" 

Hallelujah, Jesus! 


Being Contented Is A Choice! 

Being Contented In Christ 
A Choice 
A Grace
An Unmerited Favor
A Super Power That Comes Of 
Having Made The Decision To Believe God
To Walk In The Word
To Trust The Way-Maker
To Listen And Learn 
Aka Harken And Do The Will Of
The One Who Heals And Seals
Teaches And Reveals
Let The Comforter Carry, Lift, Comfort
Elevate Us As We Press On To The Mark Of 
The High Calling In Christ Jesus! 

Dear Ones, 

There Are No Super-Christians! 
There Are No MDs, PhDs, Professors Emeritus
Or Honorary Saints Of God And Christ! 

We Are Christians Called 
Who Choose To Stand Up 
Having Counted The Cost
Have Cast Our Lot, Our Fortunes
In With Him Whom We Have Found Faithful And Just
Honest And True
Light And Life
Savior, Redeemer, And Forever-Faithful Friend 
Who Is Lord, God, And King! 

Let Us Sincerely Love Our Lord Jesus
Whole-Heartedly Look Up To Him
Truly Live To Live ... Eternally! 


1 comment:

  1. Thank You, Lord! I Am Contented With What You Have Given Unto Me!


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