
Saturday, September 17, 2022

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Keep Going Away To Jesus Christ The Lord!


An Alarm Clock Does Not Awaken Anybody: 
Almighty God Does!
Keep Yourself On Schedule: 
Set Your Alarm Clock! 

Going Away On Vacation 
Does Not Take Us Away From Our Problems! 
Keep Going Away ... To Jesus: 
He Refreshes And Regenerates! 

A Paycheck Does Not Purchase Or Provide 
Jesus' Peace Which Passes Human Understanding! 
Keep Praying In Faith And Walking In Strict Obedience 
To The Lord's Will To Be Able To Reap The Rewards Of 
The Enduring Faithful! 

Worrying Doesn't Lessen Burdens! 
Take Your Burdens To The Lord 
Leave Them There 
He Sacrificially Loves Us 
Is Our Burden-Bearer By His Own Choice! 

Cursing The Darkness 
Instead Of Turning On The Light 
When The Bill Is Known To Have Been Paid 
Doesn't Alter The Fact That 
Doubting The Lord Decimates 
Trusting The Savior Elevates! 

Take A Good Look At Our King Jesus! 

Our Doubt Doesn't Change The Fact That 
Only Jesus Cares For Us! 

Our Daily Trusting In The Lord Helps Us 
To Daily, Moment-By-Moment, Trust In The Lord 
With Hope, For Help And Healing
For Provision And Protection! 

Dear Ones, 

I Beseech Us All
Please Adamantly Choose To Call On The Lord 
In The Holy Faith Which Cannot Fail 
As If Your Life Depends Upon It 
It Does! 

Walk With The Word In The Lord! 
Any Questions!?! 


1 comment:

  1. Please Help Me, Dear Father, To Hold To My Lord Christ's Unchanging Hand No Matter What Is Happening To Me Or Around Me!


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