
Sunday, September 18, 2022

Praying ... In Love

My Heartfelt Prayer For Us All Today Is: 

Heavenly Father, 
Please Continue To Grant Us
Our Daily Gift Of Unfailing Faith
To Help Us To Stand Rooted And Grounded In The Truth! 

Please Grant Us Strength To Walk Away
From Things Which Cannot Spiritually Profit Us
From People Who Curse The Name Of The Lord
Choose Not To Hear Of Or Know About Him
Or To Walk In His Ways! 

Please Grant Us The Needed Courage 
To Endure The Barbs And Reject The Dishonest Doings Of
Those Who Have Chosen To Walk In Darkness
Despising The Light That Leads To Eternal Life!

Oh, Father, 
Please Supply Us With The Love We Need To Have Hope
We Have Chosen To Hope In The King Of Love
The Shepherd Who Leads Us To Eternal Rest! 

Please Help Us In Our Desire To Do All That You Ask Of Us
As We Willingly Choose To Do
What Is Good And Right And Holy! 

Finally, Dear Father,
Please Provide To Us, Out Of Your Riches In Glory
The Innumerable Blessings Needed
To Continually Pursue The Promise Of
A Place In Your House
In The Paradise Of God
Which Includes Immortality, Incorruptibility
Fruit From The Tree Of Life
Water From The River Of The Water Of Life
Which Flows By The Throne Of God! 

Thank You For The Unspeakable Gift! 

In Love, We Ask For All These Things 
Bless You
In Jesus Christ's Holy And Matchless Great Name! 

1 comment:

  1. Please Help Me, Dear Father, To Ever Heed Your Charge To Pray Without Ceasing!


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