
Friday, September 9, 2022

HAPPY SABBATH + Prayer: Neither Ashamed Nor Afraid To Pray ...!


Heavenly Father, Kind And True
I Choose To Take You At Your Holy Word Because
It Needs No Reminders About Follow-Up And Follow Through! 

You Are The Living God, Holy, Faithful, Loving
The Ever Blessing God Who Is Not A Liar! 
I Give You Thanks And Praise! 

Lord, I Have Made Up My Mind That
I Want, Need, Desire, And Must Have All
Every Last Gift, Benefit, And Blessing That
You Have Promised Me In The Word Of Truth 
Through The Innocent Blood Spilt Because Of Me
For Me
On That Dark And Dread Day On Mount Calvary! 

Father, Without You, I Am Nothing
Can't Do Anything!

With You As My Guardian, My Guide
The One Who Causes Me To Live
Breathe And Just Be
By Your Gift To Me Of Free-Will
Freedom To Choose What I Want To Be And Do
I, This Day, Choose To Be What You Said That I Can Be
Which Is To Be Like My Blessed Savior
Jesus Christ The Lord! 

I Choose To Go Where You Send Me 
To Do What You Ask Me To Do! 

Lord, Please Help Me Not To Be Presumptuous
By Overstepping The Boundaries You Have Clearly Defined! 

Please Help Me, By Saving Grace
To Stay Under The Banner Of Prince Immanuel
Inside Of Your Hedge Of Protection That Is
Your Ten Commandments
The Keeping Of Which Is
The Key To A Happy And Peace-Filled Life!

I Need You, Father
I Am Neither Ashamed Nor Afraid To Pray That
I Will Come To Need You More And More Each And Every Day!

I Love You And I Come In Faith In Jesus' Holy Name:
Please Bless Me In My Need And Indeed!

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