
Thursday, September 1, 2022

No Malice: No Mercy

When The Wrath Of The Living God 
Poured Out On The Sinful
Neither Malice Nor Mercy Shall Issue 
From His Holy Hand! 

"How Is Such A Thing Possible!" 
The Terrified Soul Exclaims
Suddenly Recognizing That The Very Savior He Roundly Scorned 
The King, Lord, And Judge Of All Flesh
Who Had Called And Beseeched Him 
To Take The Extended Hand 
Which Would See Him To Heaven Elected
By The Life's Work Of Sanctification
Well And Truly Perfected! 

To Those Who Showed Man No Mercy
To Those Who Considered Malice To Be As Soda Pop
To Be Guzzled And Spewed Upon The Ones That 
They Called Religious Fools And Nuts
The Very Idea That They Would Be Recipients Of 
Turn-About Being Fair Play 
Left Them With Eyeballs Sweating 
Their Tongues Hanging! 

Brethren, Beloved, 

This State Of Affairs Does Not Need To Be 
He Who Calls Us All To Salvation
Provides Grace Sufficient And Mercy Freely! 

We Are Called To Do Good 
To Ever Live Right
If We Make A Mistake It Is Not Fatal 
To Lead Us In The Path Of Righteousness 
His Sincere Delight! 

Confess Known Sin! 
Repent With Humility! 
Trust The Lord ... And Obey
Work The Gift ... Your Gift ... Of Faith 
Moment By Moment, Day By Day! 

Dear Ones, 

Our Great God Does Not Indulge Malice 
It Is A Satanic Construct 
The Withdrawal Of His Mercy To The Unrepentant 
At Their Request 
As They Saw No Reason To Get Their Decimating Sin Off Their Chest 
By Giving It To The Kind King
Jesus Christ The Lord! 

Sin Issues A Paycheck To All Who Do Its Dirty Work 
So If You Do Not Want To Cash The Check
- Non-Returnable After Mercy Takes Her Rest -
Dare, By Prayer And Petition, To Permit The Holy Spirit Of Truth 
In Your Sin-Scarred Heart To Take His Seat! 

Please Be Kind To Yourself
Always To Others 
At The Funeral Of The Malicious And Unmerciful Unrepentant Ones
There Will Be No Burial And For Sure 
No Live Token-Flowers! 

Be Wise For Your Own Self:
Choose Life In Christ! 


1 comment:

  1. Dear Lord, Please Guide Me On The Path To Glory And Bless Me To Be Merciful To Those I Meet Along The Way!


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