
Monday, November 14, 2022

Easy Sin: Beware The Dot That Dashes!

Beware The Dot That Dashes! 

Sin Is The Easiest Thing To Do 
Is Impossible To Get Out Of  Without Taking 
The Easiest Step We Will Ever Take In Our Lives! 

The Best Decision We Will Ever Make In Our Lives 
It Requires Making The Hardest Decision Of Our Lives 
Aka Giving Up That Blasted Boulder In Our Lives 
Which Repeatedly, Meticulously, Carves A Dot Of Sin 
Which Distinctly Dashes Our Desire For Christ In Us
Our Only Hope For Surpassing Glory! 



A Pound Of Feathers 
Weighs The Same As A Pound-Ball Of Lead 
With One Very Striking Difference 
Which Starkly Displays What Sin Is 
Can Do In Our Lives! 

Dear Ones, 

Choosing To Be In Christ And Bearing That Pound-Ball Of Lead 
Will Make You Give It Up To The Master! 

How Much Does One Feather Weigh!?! 

How Many Feathers Make A Pound!?! 
Some Estimates Say 454 Feathers Are In A Pound! 

If Sin Is As A Feather
How Many Feathers Of The Pound 
Will It Take To Condemn You To Hell 
Aka Eternally Separate You From God, From Salvation, 
You Daily Choose Self Over Your Savior!?! 

Can You Hold 454 Feathers In Your Bare Hands!?! 

Are You Able To Bear The Weight Of Your Feather, Your Sin, Yourself!?! 

If You Know That You Can Bear The Weight 
Pay The Price For Your Own Sin
Keep Collecting, Hoarding, And Admiring Your Feathers ... Your Sins! 

If You Know The Weight Of Your Sin Is Too Heavy
The Cost Of Carrying Your Sin Is Too High
Pass Your Parcel Of Plumes 
To The Prince Of Peace For Processing 
To Get Your Ticket To Paradise! 


1 comment:

  1. Father, I Come In Faith, Confessing My Known Sin, And Pleading With You, In The Name Of My Beloved Jesus, To Bless Me As I Daily Choose To Reject Self Who Would Cause Me To Sin!


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