
Thursday, November 17, 2022

HA-SATAN: Take Off The World's Comforted-By-A-Lie Pajamas!

Jesus Christ The Lord
The Prince Of Peace And Glory
The Truth
The Sword Of His Mouth, The Word Of God, The Truth
Cuttingly Sharp! 

Denying The Truth Does Not Make It A Lie
Rewriting The Truth Does Not Make It Holy Aka The Truth! 


We Seriously Need To Wake Up 
Take Off The World's Comforted By A Lie Pajamas 
As Manufactured And Sold By Complacency 
Which Is A Brand Of Ha-Satan Aka Satan 
Aka The Accuser Of The Brethren 
Aka The Adversary! 

Let No One, Man Or Spirit, Deceive You! 

No Holy Angel Will Help You To Sin Against Almighty God 
No Fallen Angel Aka Evil Spirit 
Will Show You The Way To Calvary
To Christ
To The Father's House! 

Dear Ones, 

Our Lord Jesus Has Made It Plain That 
We Must Know The Truth 
We Are To Be Set Free From Sin 
Which, In Essence, Calls The Truth
- Which Can Only Come From Almighty God -
A Lie
The Truth, Jesus Christ, The Life Giver
A Bad Word And A Liar! 

Who Are You Going To Believe: 

The Truth, The Savior, That Sets  Us Free Indeed
The Already Damned For Eternity Liar 
Who Is Seeking To Stop You From Receiving 
What He, With Malice, Threw Away 
Can Never, Ever, Ever, Recover!?! 

All Of God's Gifts
- In The Person Of Christ
By The Word Of Promise
And Daily Care -
Are Good, Good, Very Good
Blessed Forever! 

Let's Lovingly Look Upon Our Jesus 
Walk By The Word In The Ways Of Our Lord
Let Satan Eat Dirt 
Crawl On The Ground Like The Snake, The Serpent, That 
He Is Biblically Known To Be! 

Truth And Peace To You!

1 comment:

  1. Lord, I Believe You And I Trust Your Living, Holy, Saving Word! Please Protect Me As I Choose To Stand In The Faith That Cannot Fail!


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