
Friday, November 25, 2022


As Christians
We Should Always Seek Knowledge! 

As Committed To Christ Christians
We Should Know To Ask - With Fervent Prayers - For Help 
To Diligently Seek After The Desires Of A Heart For Christ 
With Unwavering Faith
To Knock - With Glorious Praise Known True - Upon 
The Throne Of Grace Of The Good And Kind King 
Who Invites His People, His Children
To Let Their Requests Be Made Known Unto Almighty God! 


We Who Are The Apple Of His Eye 
Have The Open Ear
The Strong And Extended Everlasting Arm
The Shelter That Is The Covert Of His Wings 
At Our Full Disposal! 

What A Mighty God We Serve 
Who Has The Unchallenged Power To Save 
The Sovereign Will To Seal All Who Are His Very Own! 

Oh, That We Would Truly, Humbly, Use 
Our Open Access To Divinity 
To Close Ourselves Off From The Indignity That Is Sin 
Which Leads To The Calamity That Is Damnation! 

Dear Ones, 

ASK Aka Accept Sin's Killer 
In The Glorious Presence Of Jesus Christ Our Lord! 

ASK Aka Adore Salvation's King 
In The Divine Presence Of Our Beloved Shiloh
The Prince Of Peace! 

We Have Divine Access 
Which Allows Us To Have And To Hold 
That Which Is Holy And Undefiled! 

Ask, In Accord With The Will And Ways Of Our Heavenly Father
For Your Blessing Which Brings No Sorrow With It ... Right Now! 


1 comment:

  1. Father, You Said In The Living Word That We Should Come To You In The Name Of Jesus, In Unfailing Faith Which Is Daily Supplied By You, To Us, To Do What You Ask Of Us! Thank You ... And I Ask For Your Blessing, Again! Thank You For Your Saving Grace Known To Be Ever Sufficient And Unalterably Free! I Worship And Adore You!


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