
Saturday, November 26, 2022

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Live To Live Where Time Is Not Told!

Believe, Love, Trust, Honor, Worship 
Obey God! 

Faithfully Work 
Enduringly Watch And Wait On The Lord! 

Lovingly Care For 
Diligently Share The Good News Gospel Of Present Grace 
With All Potential Inheritors Of The Kingdom Of God 
Remembering That Our Job 
To Plant The Seed Of Joy And Gladness For Another To Water 
Even If That Other Person Turns Out To Be Ourselves 
While Understanding 
Expecting That It Is The Living God Alone 
Who Will Give The Increase! 


Be Not Wise In Your Own Eyes!
Be Not Content With Mediocrity! 


Be Not Ensnared By Grudge 
Aka The Cheap Lubricant Of Small-Minded, Near-Sighted People
Or Greed For Earthly Gain
The Grasping Nature Of Those Who Somehow Believe That 
Their Posturing And Pretending In The Face Of Man 
Fools The Father Into Filling Their Folios With Funds! 

Dear Ones, 

Do Not Tempt The Lord Of Life! 

Cain, Nimrod, Achan
Priests Nadab And Abihu, Hophni And Phineas, And Joel And Abiah
Prophet Balaam
Kings Saul And Ahab
Judas Iscariot The Betrayer 
Ananias And Sapphira
Simon The Sorcerer 
Sought To Bypass, Overlook, Profit From 
Undermine The Word, Way, And Will Of God 
Paid The Ultimate Price: 
Humans Can't Undo The Curse Of Death 
Nor The Command Of Damnation! 

Please Let The Lord Jesus Lead You In His Wise Ways Now 
Live To Live Where Time Is Not Told! 

Fear God! 


1 comment:

  1. I Beseech You, Heavenly Father, To Help Me To Keep My Mind On My Lord Christ And My Weak Hand In His So That I May Be Blessed And Eternally Saved!


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