
Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Done De War: Flee Youthful Lusts!


It Is Easy-Peasy Pumpkin Squeezy To Tell Somebody To "Be Wise!" 

It Is Easy For Us To Be Wise 
When We Ask Our Lord Jesus To Grant Us 
Wisdom, Insight, Strength, And Endurance 
As We Go Through This Journey Called The Earthly Life 
As We Strive To Reach That Heavenly Land Called Eternal Life! 


Let Us Never Forget That 
There Is Much That We May Receive Of The Lord 
Will Not Receive 
We Do Not Ask 
If We Do Ask
It Is With Wrong Motives 
As In Asking With Lust! 

Dear Ones, 

Lust Is A Four-Letter Dirty Word 
Best Kept Out Of The Mind And Mouth Of A Christian! 

Lust "Elevates" The Thing Lusted After 
To The Denigrated State Of Impurity 
Willfully Dishonors The Holy God Who Gives Us Grace 
Grants Us The Opportunity To Be Raised Up 
To Share In His Eternal Glory! 

Think About It Like Lusting After The Flesh Of Someone 
Just To Put A Notch On A Bed-Head ... No Marriage Covenant! 


In The Name Of Our  Lord Jesus
I Sincerely Pray For Each One Of Us 
The Choice Blessing Of The Unseared, Rigorously Active
Secularly Much Despised Guilty Conscience 
Which Is For The Sole Use Of The Holy Spirit 
Who Leads Us Into All Saving Truth! 

Consider Yourself A Vehicle
Consider Your Conscience As Maintained By The Holy Spirit 
Your Brakes And Back-Bone And Back-Brace
Consider The Holy Spirit Your Perfect Driver 
The Lord Jesus Is Your Everlasting Portion! 

Be Wise For Your Own Self 
Don't Make Any Further Use Of 
The Dead Weight That Is Youthful Lust! 
Done De War! 


1 comment:

  1. Help Me, Dear Lord, By Your Holy Spirit As I Choose To Grow Up In You In The Garden Of Almighty God!


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