
Friday, December 2, 2022

HAPPY SABBATH + What!?! You Went To A Medium, A Witch!?!

The Holy God Whom We Say That We Humbly Serve 
Not A Liar
Any One Of Us Who Boldly, Like King Saul, Trespasses 
On Satan's Enchanted Ground 
Expecting To And Receiving A "Good Word" 
Getting A Word From That Known Lying Devil! 


To Say That You Went To A Medium 
An Angel Of The Lord Spoke Through The Medium 
To Ask You If You Know The Lord
Required You To Choose Between The Lord And The Liar 
Before Said Medium Could Continue Her Tarot Card Reading 
To Take A Big Step Into Rank Spiritualism! 

You Then Boldly Reject The Lord 
The Medium Tells You About 
Your Past, Present, And Your Future! 

Whoa, Woe! 


No Matter How Many "White Light Angels" Appear 
- With Messages From "The Lord" 
Delivered Through Mediums, Witches
Who Are Known Servants Of Satan -
You Will Want To Repent To Almighty God 
For Indulging In Gross Folly! 

Witches Are Accursed Creatures 
The Lord Will Never Go Against His Own Word
His Own Character! 

Furthermore, The Lord Will Never Send A Message 
Telling Any Of His Children 
To Submit Their Will To A Church Pastor! 

Dear Ones, 

Our Stubborn Will 
To Only Be Submitted To The True And Living Holy God! 

Please Remember That 
Five Yards Of Two-Inch Wide Ribbon Of Truth 
Stitched To The Bottom Of Five Yards Of 
One-Eighth Inch White Ribbon Of Lie 
Effectively Five Yards Of 2 1/8 Inch Wide Ribbon Of Lie! 

Lie In Truth Is Lie
Truth In Lie Is Still Lie!

Lie Is Lie 
Truth Is Truth 
Never Can The Two Be Combined To Make Lie Into Truth! 

Don't Get It Twisted ...

A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand 
Satan Will Never Encourage A Sinner To Become A Saint 
Aka Satan Will Never Give Jesus Christ Any Business! 

Please Guard Your Heart 
Fortify Your Mind With The Wonderful Words Of Life! 

Pray In Faith To Our Father God 
In The Name Of Jesus Christ His Son, Our Savior ... Yourself! 
You Are Invited To The Throne Of Grace
You Are Welcomed!


1 comment:

  1. Heavenly Father, Please Hear My Heart-Felt Prayer Asking You To Help Me To Allow Myself To Only Be Led By Your Kindly Light Which Shows The Clear Way To The Eternal Kingdom! I Love My Lord Jesus Christ!


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