
Saturday, December 3, 2022

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Grace Is Strength And Truth Is Light!

Since God Is Our Refuge And Strength 
And Jesus Christ Is The Word 
And The Word Is The Truth 
And The Word Is God
Jesus Christ Is God, Our Strong Refuge! 

Since Grace Is Strength 
And Truth Is Light
And Light Is The Life Of Every Man
And Jesus Is The Light Of The World
Every Man Needs Life
Every Man Needs Jesus Christ
Every Man Needs God Who Is The Author Of Life 
Who Gives Faith Without Which No Man May Please God 
Who Reigns And Rules 
And Has Provided Rules For The Road 
Upon Which Man Must Obediently Travel With Endurance 
He Is To Get Home To God 
Who Is Both Kind King And Righteous Judge 
And High Priest And Advocate 
Who Was Made Sin For Us 
Was Sinless
And Spotless
And Blameless
And Clean To Clean The Spotted
And Pure To Purify The Putrid
And Is Love Loving The Unlovely 
Who Unwisely Reject His Wisdom 
Which Is Truth Pointing To Life 
Which Lights This World Of Sin 
Whereon Dwells Sinners 
Whom He Calls To Receive Salvation From The Friend 
Who, Indeed, Is He Who, Alone, Saves Sinners 
Who, Indeed, Are We All 
Who Must Confess And Repent Of Our Sin 
We Are To Stand Forgiven And Cleansed 
Before The Throne Of Grace 
Which Throne Belongs To Christ Who Is Our Righteousness
Who Is Our Refuge And Strength From In The Beginning 
Where God Created The Heavens And The Earth
The Sea And All That Is In Them 
Whether Fallen Or Standing Firm In The Faith Of Jesus
The King Of Glory
Who Invites Us Willing 
To Enter The Abode Of The Blessed Of God And Christ 
Who Is Our Only Hope For Help, Healing
For Heaven At The Last Trumpet Of God 
Who Is Holy, Just, And Ever True! 

Think About It
Believe And Live! 


1 comment:

  1. Thank You, Heavenly Father, For Your Blessed Truth Which Is The Bright Light Of This Dark World Of Sin!


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