
Friday, December 9, 2022

HAPPY SABBATH + Don't Let Satan Gaslight You!



We Should Know That In The Household Of Faith 
There Is No Such Thing As Participation In "Borderline" Sin! 

We Know That This Is So 
We Are Commanded To Abstain, To Shun
To Stay Away From Anything That Has The Appearance
The Look, The Image
The Stamp Of Evil, Of Sin! 

Dear Ones, 

There Is An Old Saw Which Says: 

"Play With The Kitty
Know That You Will Get Scratched!" 

Kitty Or Catty, They Both Have Claws! 

By Now We Should Know That Satan, The Originator Of Sin
A Gaslighting Specialist 
Who Would Have Us Believe Other Than What We Know To Be 
The Saving Truth! 

Sin Destroys! 
Sin Is An Aphrodisiac 
Aka One Sin Is Never Enough! 

Borderline Sin Which Is Sin
Is Like
Knowing You Cannot Have Chocolate Cake 
Choosing To Make And Bake One 
Cutting It Up And Giving Away All The Slices 
And Then
Eating The Crumbs And Licking The Cake-Plate With Relish! 

A Voluntary Act With Moral And Eternal Implications: 
It Pleases Our Lord Jesus Christ! 

We Are To Abstain From Sin 
Everything That Even Remotely Looks Like Sin 
And Instead 
Joyfully Embrace Christ's Free-To-All Salvation! 

Let Us Not Fool Ourselves! 
Eating The Crumbs Of What Will Kill You 
Will Kill You Just As Dead! 

Be Warned ... 

The Altar Of Sin! 

Let Us Fervently Pray For The Holy Spirit's Help 
To Keep Ourselves Firm In Our Resolve 
To Abstain From Anything That Looks Like Evil, Like Sin, Today! 


1 comment:

  1. Please Help Me, Dear Father, To Keep My Eyes On The Heavenly Light Which Is Jesus Christ My Lord Who Is My Soul's Sure And Secure Salvation!


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