
Saturday, December 10, 2022

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Please Cast Your Every Care On Our King Jesus!


Can We Agree To Not Be Dismayed By What Is Going On Around Us 
We Choose To Believe 
The Holy, Infallible, Unfailing, Word Of The Eternal God That 
These Are The Signs Of The Times As Prophesied!?! 

Can We Gratefully Accept That 
Our Lord Jesus Has Promised To Never Forget Us 
Will Provide For Us And Help Us 
He Loves Us As His Own Personal Treasure!?! 

Dear Ones, 

As Always, We Have Choices To Make 
The Opportunity Today In Which To Make Them! 

We Have To Choose Between 
Swallowing The Poison-Pen Productions Of 
The Talking Heads Who Love The Man-Made Jesus 
Who Pours Kool-Aid Of Convenience 
And Self-Justification's Joy-Juice 

The Blood Of The Lamb Of God 
Slain From The Foundation Of The Earth 
Which Is Able To Make Us Clean Before Our Father
Who Is In Heaven On His Great White Throne 
From Which He Cannot Be Unseated 
By Neither Elaborate Lie Nor Wishful Thinking! 

We Have A Textbook, The Bible Of Truth
Which Contains Answers To All Our Questions 
That Same Book Tells Us That 
Our Lord Jesus Is Coming For Us As The King Victorious! 

Will You Humble Yourself Under Jesus Christ's Mighty Hand 
Permit His Kindly Light 
To Lead You Safely From Earth To Our Eternal Home!?! 

With Your Faith Exercising
Please Cast Your Every Care On Our King
Shiloh, The Prince Of Peace
On Immanuel, Our God With Us! 


1 comment:

  1. Thank You, Dear Lord, For Being The Light Of My Life And My Soul's Salvation! I Worship You And Give You Thanks And Unfeigned Praise!


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