
Friday, December 16, 2022

Truth Will Light Our Path To Peace!

A Christian Who Walks "Wisely" In Their Imagination 
In The Idle Belief That They Are Safe In This World 
They Are Using A Long Spoon 
When They Sup With The Devil And His Minions 
Has Lost The Prize Before The Horse Race Has Even Started! 


Never Let Devilish Pride Stop You From Saying Your Prayers 
Letting Our Dear Savior Know That 
You Are Overwhelmed 
By All That Concerns Your Daily Life And Living! 

Being Overwhelmed
Being Buried By Bills, Work 
Physical, Emotional, And Spiritual Problems 
A Recipe For Disaster Best Remedied 
By A Visit To The Always Accessible Throne Of Grace 
Where The Always Available King Of Glory And Prince Of Peace 
Always Available ... To You, To Me, To Us! 

Free Mercy Will Correct Us With Care
Chastise Us With Love 
Comfort Us As The People Of The Living God 
By The Holy Spirit Who Leads Us Into All Truth! 

Truth Will Light Our Path To Peace
Provision, Purity

We Are Not Alone: 
Our Loving God Is With Us! 

Dear Ones, 

Let Us Never Forget 
What Our Lord Has Done For Us In The Past
What He Is Doing For Us All Like Right Now
Remember, Remember, Don't Ever Forget 
What He Has Promised, By His Own Spilt, Innocent Blood 
To Do For Us Each, Individually, Personally
In The Life To Come! 

Let Us Choose To Overwhelm The Devil And His Minions 
By Our Clear And Obvious, Principled Aka Godly Devotion 
To Jesus Christ Our Lord Who Provides! 

Prove The Lord Today: 
Give Him Your Need By Prayer Wrapped In Trust 
Delivered By Faith! 


1 comment:

  1. Please Help Me, Dear Father, To Set Aside Wild Imaginings And Stick To The Plain Truth As Found In The Holy Word As "Thus Saith The Lord!"


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