
Saturday, December 17, 2022

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Our Blessed Savior Loves Us Beyond Death!

Humans Have The Senses 
To Hear, See, Taste, Touch, And Feel! 

Indulging In The Senseless Is Also Applied To Us! 

Some Humans Say That 
The Lord Has A Sense Of Humor! 

Why Would We Lower Our Lord 
To The Tasteless Level Of Humans Who
- With Their "Sense Of Humor" -
Indulge In Hurtful, Mean-Spirited, Cruel
Dangerous, Deadly, Even Demonic Pranks 
In The Name Of Humor!?! 

Do You Hear Any Laughter!?! 

Dear Ones, 

Never, Ever, Forget That 
Our Great God Is Not A Man That He Should Lie 
Or Have To Say "I AM Sorry!" For Doing Anything 
Because He Hurt Your Feelings! 


Our Blessed Savior Loves Us Beyond Death 
So Indulging In The Idiotic Is Not Part Of His Plan 
For Our Salvation! 

The Lord Jesus 
Purposeful In All Of His Dealings With Mankind
Especially So With His Beloved Saints! 

With This In Mind, Let Us Remember 
The Sons Of Thunder, James And John 
Who Wanted To Sit On The Right And Left Hand Of 
Jesus Christ The King In The Kingdom Of Light
Who Proclaimed That They Could Drink Of The Lord's Cup: 
He Gave Them Their Desire To Drink Of His Cup! 

Apostle James Poured His Heart Into The Lord's Work 
Was Martyred By Beheading! 

The Beloved Apostle John Did The Blessed Work 
Was Boiled In Oil
Miraculously Survived
Thereafter Produced, On The Isle Of Patmos, By Inspiration
The Wonderful Book Of The Revelation 
For Our Education And Blessing! 

Apostle John Died Peacefully, An Old Man! 

We Will See Them Both In The Kingdom! 

Never, Ever, Forget ... 

There Is No Loss With The Lord Jesus 
So Trust Him If Heaven Is Your Goal! 
He Saves And Seals! 


1 comment:

  1. Dear Father, Please Help Me To Ever Remember That I Am Bought With The Price That I Can Never Repay And Am Precious In Your Holy Sight!


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