
Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Desire For The Delights Of The Divine!


The Mind Of Truth 
Jesus Christ The Lord Our God
Who Became Flesh 
Dwelt Among Us! 

The Mine Of Truth 
The Living, Holy Word Of God 
Where No One Needs A Government License To Set Up Shop
Nor Expensive Equipment
Nor Human Capital Save The Willing Self 
To Extract Its Infinite Riches! 


We Are The Called And Empowered Miners Of The Truth! 

We Are Made In The Image Of The Holy God 
And As Such 
We Are Each Endowed With A Mind That Is Useful 
Is A Terrible Thing To Waste! 

Dear Ones, 

As Seekers After The Truth
We Are Instructed To Search The Word Of God 
As If We Are Seeking After Hidden Treasure: 
We Are! 

We Must Exercise Our Free-Will 
Our Freedom To Choose
Our Desire For The Delights Of The Divine 
To Pray ... In Faith 
Ask Our God And Our King To Help Us 
- By His Very Own Sweet Spirit Of Truth 
Who Will Lead Us Into All Truth - 
To Guide Our Minds In The Way That Matters 
So That Our Treasure-Hunt Will Always Yield A Grain Or A Gram 
We Are In The Vein That Leads To The Mother-Lode 
Which Is The Father's House
The Holy City
The Store-House Of The Everlasting Goodness Of The Eternal God! 

The Word Of God 
Necessary Food 
So Get Out Your Fork And Your Spoon 
Proceed To Be Fed And Filled 
Knowing That You Will Always Have Room For More! 


1 comment:

  1. Thank You, Heavenly Father, For The Living, Holy Word Which Is As Fruit From The Tree Of Life!


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