
Friday, January 13, 2023

HAPPY SABBATH + Understanding Is The Gift Of Almighty God!



Do You Know That There Is No Man Happy 
Without The Gift Of Almighty God!?! 

Throughout The Scriptures Of Truth
The Refrain Rings 
"Find Wisdom, Get Understanding! 
"Get Wisdom, Get Understanding!" 
"Lean Not On Your Own Understanding!" 
Shouldn't We Buy The Free Clue 
Do As Our Heavenly Father Asks!?! 

To Wax Ridiculous
This Is Not About Being Under A Stand 
Nor Standing Under Some Lying Tenet Of The Damned Devil! 

Dear Ones, 

In Our Text At Study
We Find The Request 
"Grant Me Understanding According To Thy Word!" 
Worldly Understanding 
A Corrupted, Corrupting, Force And Influence 
Which Is Only Ever Counteracted 
By The Living, Holy, Eternal Word Of 
The All-Seeing, All-Knowing, Ever-Present God Of Grace 
Who Inhabits Glory 
Is Inviting Us-Willing To Join Him There At The Time Appointed! 


Let Us Remove Our Brains From Park 
By Allowing Wisdom
- The Gift Of God - 
To Engage Our Understanding 
So That We Are Not Deceived 
By Those Who Are The Adversaries Of Our Purchased Souls! 

Please, I Beseech Us All
Do Not Be Callous-Minded, Careless, Nor Conceited! 

Please Be A Humble Child Of The Father 
Accept That His Word
His Will
His Ways
His Wisdom 
Are Good And Perfect Gifts That 
Elevate Our Understanding 
Which Is A Cure That Strengthens Our Core For Christ! 


1 comment:

  1. Heavenly Father, I Know That Your Holy Word Will Never Fail, Nor Fail Me, And So I Am Glad And Thankful To Accept Your Precious Gift Of Understanding Which Comes Of Accepting Your Wisdom, The Truth!


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