
Friday, January 20, 2023

HAPPY SABBATH + Be Angry ... And Sin Not!

Imagine What Uncontrolled Anger Can Do! 

In A New Pregnancy
It Can Cause Spontaneous Expulsion Of The Fetus! 

The Anger Caused By Strife-Makers 
Can Cause The Offended Party To Strike A Blow That 
Can Maim Or Kill Another! 

The Anger That Wafts Off Those Who Would Make Men Slaves 
- To Their Various Lusts - 
When Their Plans Are Thwarted 
Can Lead To Murder! 

The Anger Of Those Who Would Force Others 
To Think, Believe
Act As Their "Betters" Have Commanded 
Demonic In Its Rancor, Rage, And Range! 


The Bible Tells Us To Be Angry ... And Sin Not 
We Can Get Angry ... And Sin 
Which Opens Us Up To All Kinds Of Problems 
Which We Would Do Well To Avoid! 

Dear Ones, 

We May Call King Saul A Fool 
He Somehow Believed He Could Control The Hand Of God! 

King Saul Wanted To Kill 
The Ordained, Appointed, And Anointed Future King, David
When He Could Not
He Killed Eighty-Five Of The Eighty-Six Priests Of God At Nob! 

King Saul Added Sin Upon Sin 
By Hob-Nobbing With The Witch At Endor 
At The End Of His Time On Earth
He Committed Self-Murder Aka Suicide! 

Let Us Be Wise To Recognize That
As Christians Committed To The Cause Of Christ
We Should Let The Lord Fight Our Battles 
Instead Of Going Into Murderous Rages! 

We Should Be Angry Enough To Not Indulge In Wrong-Doing 
Should Instead Get Angry And Rage Against Sin And Sinning! 

Don't Be Hasty To Get Angry! 

Self-Control Is A Fruit Of The Holy Spirit: 
Exercise It 
Ask The Lord For His Indwelling Spirit 
To Help You To Walk Rightly, Wisely, In The Light Of Life! 


1 comment:

  1. Please Help Me, Dear Father, To Have A Righteous Anger Against Sin, Satan, Self And Their Pestilential Kindred!


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