
Tuesday, January 17, 2023

HOW DO YOU STAND: Standing On OR Standing Up On ... The Promises Of Almighty God!?!

What Is The Point Of Being Given A Promise 
Not Being Bold Enough To Remind The Person Of Their Exact Words 
At The Time When The Receipt Of The Benefits Of Said Promise 
Will Immensely Profit You!?! 

Dear Ones, 

We Have Been Given An Open Invitation 
To Appear Boldly At The Throne Of Grace 
To Obtain Mercy 
Grace To Help Us In Our Time Of Need! 

Should We Not Appear Before The Lord's Magnificent Throne 
Awe-Inspiring Glory 
With The Lord's "Yea!" And "Amen!" Promise For The Moment 
Securely Held And Ready To Be Offered Up To The Promise-Keeping God 
Whom We Say And Believe Is Our Everlasting Portion!?! 


The Promises Of God Given To Us For Our Blessing 
Are Only Of Benefit To Us As We Believe That 
The Giver Is Faithful And True! 

The Promises Given Will Profit Us 
When We Present Them For Settlement 
Like A Check Or A Bearer Bond! 

Be Warned, Though
Don't Ask For A Promise To Be Kept By The Lord Jesus 
When You Are Deliberately Living Contrary To The Will Of Almighty God! 

The Lord Jesus Will Never Fatten You For Satan To Feast Upon Because 
Our God, Holy
Neither Deceitful ... Nor A Liar! 

Choose To Believe The Lord's Word 
Dare To Present It To Him! 

Bring Your Dirt, Your Trouble
Your Trial
Your Test Or Torment! 
Let Your Request Be Known ... By Faith! 
Believe You Will Receive Your Request 
According To The Father's Will And Way 
Pray Without Ceasing! 

The Character Of Christ Is Our Guarantee: 
"Cash In" Your Promise Today! 


1 comment:

  1. Heavenly Father, I Believe Your Promises Given To Me Because They Have Been Purchased With The Innocent Blood Of My Lord And Savior, Jesus Christ The King! Thank You For Your Myriad Blessings Upon Me!


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