
Friday, April 28, 2023

HAPPY SABBATH + Let Holy Spirit Rise In You!


When Our Blessed Jesus Was Soon To Depart This Earth
He Promised To Send Another Comforter, The Holy Spirit
Whose Person Is Represented By A Dove, Water, Oil, And Fire! 


The Dove ... The Peace Dove
Points Us To Home! 

Water Is Life 
Where Water Is
We Make Our Home! 

In Our Home
We Being The Salt Of The Earth Take Of 
The Lord's Good Wheat Harvest 
Grind It Into Fine Flour 
To Which We Add Water Of Life 
The Oil Of Gladness 
Make Our Choice Bread 
To Satisfy Our Hunger And Bless Ourselves! 

A Secondary Oil Is Used 
To Power Our Stoves, Ovens, Furnaces 
To Bake Our Bread! 


With All Of This Preparation
Without The Fire Of God Which Comes Down From Heaven
We Will Never Have Heat To Bake Our Bread 
Or Warm Our Homes, Our Bodies 
Power Our Lives! 

Dear Ones, 


Was It For Nothing That 
Our Lord Jesus Sent And Gave Unto Us His Holy Spirit
His Vicar - Never A Man 
To Be Our Only Comforter!?! 

The Holy Spirit Is Present In Every Facet Of Our Lives 
Is With Each Of Us By Invitation! 

He Is Here For All Mankind 
Lives Within Us, In Intimate Relation
At Our Personal Invitation! 

Would You Quench
Put Out Of Your Life
That Sweet Spirit  Who Is Our Safety, Security, And Salvation
By And Through Whom We Live And Breathe
Have Our Very Being
The One Who Leads, Blesses, Corrects, Comforts
Carries Us In Sickness And In Health
Through Trial And Tribulation
War And Peace
Sorrow And Joy!?! 

The Holy Spirit Is God Almighty: 
Where Is Your Faith
Where Is My Faith
Where Is Our Faith In Our God Today!?! 

Please Despise The Ways Of The Worldly-Wise 
Quench Not The Holy Spirit Of God 
Who Gives Us Jesus' Peace! 
Let The Spirit Of The Lord Rise Up Within You! 


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