
Saturday, April 22, 2023

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: The Word Of God Means What It Says!

Mean, Mean, Means, Meaning! 

Mean Was Unkind! 

Mean Told What He Meant 
As In What He Wanted People To Understand That He Had Said! 

Means Had Money To Spend And To Spare 
Like Life, Didn't Do Too Well When It Came Time To Share! 

You Could Ask Meaning About Mean, Mean, And Means
He Could Give You The Studied Word 
Worthwhile To Be Heard! 

Meaning Made Everything Plain 
That Did Not Mean That You Had To Accept What Was Said
That, Dear Ones, Is The Rub! 

We Have The Holy Bible Which Interprets Itself! 
Then, Oh, The Horror Of It All
We Have Ten "Wise" Men 
Who Give Eleven Meanings 
To Almighty God's Inflexible, Infallible, Immutable Word! 


Let Us Correct Our Errors
Unwaveringly Trust The Word Of 
The Word That Works Wonders! 

Jesus Christ The Lord, Our King, Is The Word: 
He Can't Change! 
Shouldn't You!?! 


1 comment:

  1. To Your Word And To Your Will, Lord, I Say "Yes!" And "Amen!"


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