
Saturday, June 29, 2024

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Our Free-Will Can't Be Breached!


We Should Know By Now That 
We Sin By Thought, Word, And Deed! 
Hear The Excuses! 

We Sin Because The Devil Made Us Do It: 
He Didn't! 

We Sin Because The Lord Didn't Stop Us: 
He Does Not Breach Our Free-Will! 

We Sin Because We Felt Like It
Or We Really, Really Wanted Our Fleshly Desire Made Whole 
Or We Couldn't Find A Good Reason Not To Sin: 
We Didn't Look In The Right Place! 


Have You For One Itty-Bitty Moment Considered That 
Our God, The Eternal, Sees And Records Everything That 
We Think, Say, And Do
And That It Is In Our Best Interests 
To Recognize, Accept, And Honorably
Wisely, Righteously, Act Upon The Knowledge That 
We May Escape Detection By The Earthly Judge But That 
We Will Not Under Any Circumstance 
Escape The All-Knowing, Ever-Present, All-Seeing, Eternal God
He From Whom No One Can Hide!?! 

Dear One, 

I-Feel, I-Must, I-Can, And I-Will Are Interesting Characters 
Who Can Be Used For Good Or Ill In Our Lives! 

When We Choose To Feed Them On The Good News
I-Feel Will Be Saying 
"I Feel The Presence Of The Lord!" 

I-Must Will Be Saying 
"I Must Tell Jesus All Of My Troubles!" 

I-Can Will Not Act Like Achan 
But, Instead, Will Be Saying 
"I Can Do All Right Things 
Through Christ Who Strengthens Me!" 


I-Will Will Be Praying Without Ceasing 
Giving Thanks To The Lord For All Things ... Even The Fiery Trials ... 
We Know That We Are Not Alone! 

Let Jesus Christ Be Praised! 

Brethren Beloved, 

Your Adversary, The Devil, Satan The Damned
Wants You Dead And Damned: 
Roundly, Firmly, Aggressively Reject His Overtures 
By The Word That Works 
Aka "Thus Saith The Lord!" 

Our Advocate The Creator
Our Savior The Redeemer
Our Lord Blessed Forever
Wants Us To Live Forever 
So Please Dare And Choose Life In Christ 
You Will Never, Ever, Have The Opportunity 
To Visit The Land Called Regret! 


Saturday, June 22, 2024



The Lord Jesus Christ Is Trying To Help Us 
To Abundantly Live In Him Now
Then Eternally With Him! 

We Must Choose To Cooperate With Him 
Through The Holy Spirit 
Who Leads Us Into All Truth! 


All That He Is Asking Of Us 
That We Accept The Draught From Heaven's Bottle Of 
Easily Digestible Loving Kindness, Blessing, And Grace! 

Truth Being Always Told
We Are Choosing, Instead, To Self-Cure
Self-Comfort And Self-Control 
By Ill-Advisedly Imbibing From The Rancid Cask Of 
Do-Me Willful Human Blindness 
Which Carries No Spiritual Nourishment 
Is Filled To Overflowing With The Empty Calories Of Lawlessness ... Of Sin
Which Makes Us Fat And Easy To Overcome 
By Our Adversary, The Devil, Satan The Damned! 


There Will Be No Fools
Aka No One Who Says That There Is No God
In The Lord's Living Kingdom Of Light! 

Since We Actively Say To All That We Believe That 
The Lord Can Do A Great Thing For Us Here And Now
Should We Not, Here And Now, Show Our Faith And Trust 
By Willingly Doing What The Lord Is Asking Us To Do 
To Truly Help Ourselves!?! 

Dear Ones, 

The One-Mile Walk To Surpassing Glory 
Starts With Our First Step Toward Jesus Christ, Our Only Savior! 

Salvation Is Free 
All Potential Recipients 
Must Willingly Accept The Package 
Eagerly Open It 
Wisely Use The Gift: 
This Is Self-Service Only! 

Brethren Beloved, 

Please Remember 
Never Forget That Man-Wrought Salvation 
The Devil's Only Delight 
It Leads To Man's Sure Damnation! 

Please Let Jesus Christ Aka The Great Physician
The Prince Of Peace
Fix And Heal You By His Saving Grace! 

Pray Fervently ... And Touch Your King 
Who Was Touched To Save You! 


Saturday, June 15, 2024

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Our Position In The Race For Life!


I Need To Utter A Deep, Deep, Sigh! 
Siiiighhhh ...

Brethren, Beloved, 

Listen Unto Me! 
We Have A Choice To Make: 
To Be Free To Sin 
Or To Be Free From Sin! 

We Have To Choose Between Friends, Family, Foes And The Fiend 
The Father, The Maker Of Us All! 


We Need To Get Back To That Time Which Was Before 
Our Inglorious Fall
Before The Silken Ties Of Affection
The Lust Of The Flesh
The Lust Of The Eye
The Pride Of Life 
Dictated Our Walking
Our Speaking
Our Position In The Race For Life! 

Dear Ones, 

Consider And Know This Thing: 
If You Know That Someone Is Digging A Grave For You
Don't, Don't, Do Not Give Them A Shovel Or An Excavator! 

If They Are Seeking To Bury You
Do Not Give Them The Dirt! 


We Must Stand Up And Be Counted 
As Faithful To The Father 
Against Friends, Family, Foes, And 
The Damned-Forever Fiend 
We Should Hold To The Adage Which Says:

"Do Not Light Yourself On Fire
To Keep Somebody Else Warm!" 

The Way Of The Cross
The Strait And Narrow Way
The Way To Glory
Is Not 
Perfect Peaches
Perpetual Puppies And Kittens
Unarmed Roses! 

Peaches Have Hidden Rot
Puppies And Kittens Become Elderly Dogs And Cats
Roses Have Thorns And Attract Bees! 

The Point Is That 
Earthly, Earthy, Supposed Comfort Of Your Mind And For Your Body 
Costs You Something Now ... And Then Forever 
Heavenly Comfort Costs You The Earth Now 
But Gives You, Pays You, Forever Forever! 

The Choice, Our Choice, Is Clear: 
Jesus For Joy! 


Saturday, June 8, 2024

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Is Your Life A Verifiable Lie!?!

What Is Life!?! 
Are You Living A Lie!?! 


Do You Recognize, Accept
Are Grateful For The Truth, The Fact, That 
We Each Have Life 
We Have The Father, Our Father, Who Is In Heaven!?! 

Do You Know, As In Understand, That 
Without Our Father, The Life-Giver, In Our Lives That 
You, Me, We Are Living A Verifiable Lie!?! 

Dear Ones, 

Are You Playing The Primary Part In Satan's Piece De Resistance 
You, Gasp, Are Denying Him Who Is The Truth 
Who, Alone, Saves You From The Accuser
The Piercing Serpent
The Raging Lion
The One Who Is Jealous Of Your Gift Of A Fruitful Life
Your Heritage As One Created In The Image Of God, After His Likeness
With The Lively Hope Of ... Going Home To Be With Our Father
In The Home Of The Forever Blessed!?! 

Brethren Beloved, 

Guard Your Heart! 

Be Sober, Be Vigilant
Be Very Careful Of Those Whom You Allow To Get Close To You! 

Be Sure To Cooperate With The Holy Spirit 
Be Sure To Moment By Moment Work Your Daily Gift Of 
Faith In Your Creator-God 
Who Loves You With An Everlasting Love That Is Life! 

Please Hold 
Enduringly Hold On To Your Father's Extended Hand Always 
For Your Life .... Everlasting! 



Saturday, June 1, 2024

VESPERS: Are You An Artist Or An Artisan!?!

KJV Proverbs 10:23
23 It is as sport to a fool to do mischief: but a man of understanding hath wisdom.
Christianity Is Not A Blood Sport 
It Rests And Rises On The Blood Of The One And Only Christ Jesus 
Who Made Man In His Image And Likeness: 
All This Was Before The Great Flood! 

People Talk About Sports Figures 
Lift Up Their Favorites 
Because Of Their Power, Artistry, And Agility 
I Beg You, Dear One, To Think For A Moment 
About Whether Your Christianity Is Artistry Or Artisanry! 

Jesus Christ The Righteous 
The Artist With No Parallel 
The List Of His Bona Fides Displays Creator 
Identifies His Creation As Heaven And Earth! 

As We Investigate Further
We Come To Understand That This Creator, The Creator
God Almighty
The One Alone Who Is Wise
He Is Known For Having Gotten His Hands Dirty 
By Making Mankind From The Dust Of The Earth 
Which He Called Forth By His Word! 


The Artistry And Longevity Of Renowned Sports Figures 
Of The Duration Called Short 
The Artisanry Of The Creator God Is Ongoing 
Even To This Very Day Above And Below The Vault! 

Those "Christians" Who Are Artists
Who Work To Put On A Show To Entertain The Onlooking Hordes 
Add Neither Themselves Nor Another 
To The Living Kingdom Of God! 

Now, Beloved, As To Those Christians Who Are Wisely Artisans 
Going Into The Trenches For Christ's Sake
To Bless Their Fellow Man
They Will See And Apprehend 
Aka Hold On To The Glory Of 
Their Creator, Savior, Redeemer And Forever Friend
Will Know That The Dirt Accumulated Under Their Nails 
Whilst Willingly Working For Their Maker-Master 
Will Be As The Gold In Their Glad-Day Crown! 

The Guaranteed Perk Of The Enduring-All
Faithful Until Death, Artisan-Christian 
Joy In Perpetuity! 

Are You Agile In The Word 
Are You Using The Power Of God Mighty To Save To Perfection!?! 


Don't Go About To Be An Entertaining GOAT, In Time
Grow For The Goal, The Gold Of Eternity
With An Enduring All-For-Christ Spine! 

Remember, A Pretty Face Can't Make Pretty Music 
A Christian Not Dirtied By Working And Praying 
Will Ever Enter Through Heaven's Pearly Gates! 

Don't Be The Fool! 
