
Saturday, June 8, 2024

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Is Your Life A Verifiable Lie!?!

What Is Life!?! 
Are You Living A Lie!?! 


Do You Recognize, Accept
Are Grateful For The Truth, The Fact, That 
We Each Have Life 
We Have The Father, Our Father, Who Is In Heaven!?! 

Do You Know, As In Understand, That 
Without Our Father, The Life-Giver, In Our Lives That 
You, Me, We Are Living A Verifiable Lie!?! 

Dear Ones, 

Are You Playing The Primary Part In Satan's Piece De Resistance 
You, Gasp, Are Denying Him Who Is The Truth 
Who, Alone, Saves You From The Accuser
The Piercing Serpent
The Raging Lion
The One Who Is Jealous Of Your Gift Of A Fruitful Life
Your Heritage As One Created In The Image Of God, After His Likeness
With The Lively Hope Of ... Going Home To Be With Our Father
In The Home Of The Forever Blessed!?! 

Brethren Beloved, 

Guard Your Heart! 

Be Sober, Be Vigilant
Be Very Careful Of Those Whom You Allow To Get Close To You! 

Be Sure To Cooperate With The Holy Spirit 
Be Sure To Moment By Moment Work Your Daily Gift Of 
Faith In Your Creator-God 
Who Loves You With An Everlasting Love That Is Life! 

Please Hold 
Enduringly Hold On To Your Father's Extended Hand Always 
For Your Life .... Everlasting! 



1 comment:

  1. Dear Lord, By Your Living Word, We Know That Lies Of The Adversary, Satan The Damned, And For This Reason And The Glorious Fact That Our Only Savior, Jesus Christ The King, The Lord Of Glory, Is The Truth, We Choose Of Our Free-Will, To Divest Ourselves Of Lies And Lying And Joyfully Reach Daily For Everlasting Life In Christ, Our Forever Gift From Our Father Who Is In Heaven!


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