
Saturday, June 15, 2024

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Our Position In The Race For Life!


I Need To Utter A Deep, Deep, Sigh! 
Siiiighhhh ...

Brethren, Beloved, 

Listen Unto Me! 
We Have A Choice To Make: 
To Be Free To Sin 
Or To Be Free From Sin! 

We Have To Choose Between Friends, Family, Foes And The Fiend 
The Father, The Maker Of Us All! 


We Need To Get Back To That Time Which Was Before 
Our Inglorious Fall
Before The Silken Ties Of Affection
The Lust Of The Flesh
The Lust Of The Eye
The Pride Of Life 
Dictated Our Walking
Our Speaking
Our Position In The Race For Life! 

Dear Ones, 

Consider And Know This Thing: 
If You Know That Someone Is Digging A Grave For You
Don't, Don't, Do Not Give Them A Shovel Or An Excavator! 

If They Are Seeking To Bury You
Do Not Give Them The Dirt! 


We Must Stand Up And Be Counted 
As Faithful To The Father 
Against Friends, Family, Foes, And 
The Damned-Forever Fiend 
We Should Hold To The Adage Which Says:

"Do Not Light Yourself On Fire
To Keep Somebody Else Warm!" 

The Way Of The Cross
The Strait And Narrow Way
The Way To Glory
Is Not 
Perfect Peaches
Perpetual Puppies And Kittens
Unarmed Roses! 

Peaches Have Hidden Rot
Puppies And Kittens Become Elderly Dogs And Cats
Roses Have Thorns And Attract Bees! 

The Point Is That 
Earthly, Earthy, Supposed Comfort Of Your Mind And For Your Body 
Costs You Something Now ... And Then Forever 
Heavenly Comfort Costs You The Earth Now 
But Gives You, Pays You, Forever Forever! 

The Choice, Our Choice, Is Clear: 
Jesus For Joy! 


1 comment:

  1. Sweet Life On Earth Does Not Last But Life In The Sweet By And By Lasts Forever! Thank You, Lord Jesus!


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