Showing posts with label Glory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Glory. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Behold Your God!

Behold Your God, Brethren!
He Is Gracious And Merciful!
His Coming To Earth Again!
He Is Bringing His Rewards With Him
Lest You Forget
His Work Is Before Him:
His Strange Work!

Exactly What Do You Mean By
"His Strange Work!?!"

Who Is Our God!?!

He Is The Life-Giver!

What Is Our God!?!

He's The Jealous God!

What's He Jealous For Or About!?!

He's Jealous For His Name
His Glory Aka His Character
His Worship
His Praise
He Will Not Share What Is His With Another!

I Don't See Anything Strange About That!
Where's The Strange Part!?!

He's Coming To Clean House!
He's Going To Fix 
- Glorify, Immortalize And Make Incorruptible -
The Wittingly, Willingly, Wisely
Fallen-On-The-Rock And Broken Faithful
He Is Going To Destroy
The Proud, Presumptuous
Willingly Sinful Ungodly!

He Is Life
It Is Not His Will That Anyone Should Be
To The Eternal Kingdom, Lost!
The Work Of Destruction
The Strange Work!

Forget That!
Tell Me Why Would Anyone Choose To Be Lost!?!

Ah, My Young Friend!
You Have Glommed On 
To The Crux Of The Matter: CHOICE!

Everything That Pertains To Soul Salvation
A Choice!
Everything That Pertains To Soul Damnation
A Choice!

So What About If I Don't Decide To Make A Choice!?!

That's Not Going To Work In Your Favor!

Huh!?! How So!?!

No Choice Is A Choice
If You Do Not Choose Life
- Stating Clearly Your Position For Life -
You Have Made Your Position Clear That
You Do Not Value:
  • The Life You Have
  • The Life Promised To Believers
  • The Life-Giver
  • The Promise Purchased With Innocent Blood

What You're Actually Saying Is That
The Lover Of Your Soul
Your Creator, Savior
Your Redeemer, Friend
Does Not Have ... The Power
You're Going To "Trust" Your Future
To Whatever Is ... Out There!

Wait, Wait, Wait!
Let Me Correct Myself!
We Already Know What Is Out There:
  • Eternal Life Or Eternal Death
  • Jesus Christ Or Satan
  • Blessing Or Cursing
  • Truth Or Error
  • Light Or Darkness
  • Confess And Repent Or Hide And Presume
  • The Narrow Way Or The Broad Way
  • Trust And Obey Or Distrust And Disobey
  • Believe And Live Or Disbelieve And Die
  • Hope And Glory Or Doubt And Destruction

Those Are Some Serious Options!

As You Can Clearly See
Everything In This Life
It Is Never
- Nor Will It Ever Be -
Either, Or, Or Or! 

There Are Only Two Positions! 

You're Either With The Lord And Against Satan
You're With Satan And Against God!

If You Don't Say You Position
You've Made Your Decision!

So That's Why The Bible Says That
We Must Confess That Christ Is Lord!

You Only Confess What You Believe To Be Truth Or True!
If You Can't Or Won't Say It
It's Because You Don't Believe It
The Lord Has Nothing For Doubters!

There Is No Neutrality In The Kingdom Of God!

You've Got It In One!

You Know ... I Like That!
I Really Like That!
It Tells Me Plainly That
We Can Depend On Our Almighty God!

Strong Position, Unshakeable, Firm
Same Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
He Is The Rock, Never A Worm!

So, Brethren,
How Will You Stand!?!
How Do You Stand!?! 

Will You Look Up To The Lord Christ And Live
Will You Roll With The Changeable Tide
On The Broken Barge Delay And Decay
Take The Journey To Destruction
For Your Own Soul's Salvation
You Did Not Care Enough To Choose
Christ's Glory To Share!?!

If You Believe The Word Of God Is True
Preserve Your Integrity
Send Your Word To Your God, Holy
As You Stand Up To Be Counted For Jesus Christ The Lord!
There Will Be Precious, Everlasting, Rewards
For The Faithful, Enduring-All Child Of 
The Holy God!

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Ye Are Not Your Own!?!

My Life Is Mine To Do Whatever I Please!

Kinda Bold, Aren't You ... For A Thief!?!

Excuse Me!?!

No Excuse Necessary!
You're Nothing But A Thief!

Them's Fighting Words, Mister!
You'd Better Back Up Your Mouth
Or Shut Up!

No Need To Put Up Your Dukes, Young Fella!
He's Speaking The Living God's Truth!

Enough Already!
My Life IS Mine And I DO What I Want!

It Looks Like We've Got Ourselves A Hard Case Here!

Let Me Ask You A Question:
You Ever Created Anything!?!

Sure, I Have! I Do!
I Create Computer Apps!

That's Lovely!
Whose Brain Did You Use!?!

I Used My Own Brain!

Did You Create That Brain!?!

Of Course, Not!

You're A Thief!
Whose Eyes Did You Use!?!

I Used My Own Eyes, Of Course!

Did You Create Those Eyes!?!

Of Course Not!
Humans Can't Create Eyes!

You're A Thief!

You're Really Starting To Bug Me!

That's My Hope!


Whose Hands, Ears
Mind, Heart Did You Use!?!

Let's See ... Mine, Mine, Mine
Mine And Mine!
I Used, I Use, All That Is Mine!

Did You Create You!?!

Of Course Not!

Then, As I Said Before, You're A Thief!
What Do You Keep Saying That!?!
What Do You Mean By Making That Statement!?!

Whoever Has The Right Of Creating You
Owns You!
Who Created You!?!

My Parents!?!

I Glean By That Question That 
You Are Experiencing, Dare I Say, Doubt!?!

You'd Better Believe It!

Very Good! 

We're Making Progress!

And The LORD Said:
Let Us Make Man In Our Own Image
After Our Own Likeness ...!

What Does That Make God!?! 

That's Easy! Almighty God Is Man's Creator!

I Like That You Recognize That God Is Almighty!

And God Said To Man
Be Fruitful And Multiply!
What Does That Make God!?! 

Our Programmer!?!

I'll Take That Answer!
There Is No Human
No Human Pretending To Be God
No Demonic Spirit
Or That Satan Who Wants To Be God
That Has The Rights To Anything
That Almighty God Through Jesus Christ
The Lord Created Or Called Into Being ...!

... Just Remember That When The Powers That Be
Tell You That You Have No Exclusive Right
To Your Body Which Is The Lord's!

The Earth Is The Lord's
The Fullness Thereof
Aka Whatever Is On It Or Under It
The Sea And They That Dwell Therein
For He Spake ... And It Was Done
He Commanded ... And It Stood Fast!
Can You
Do You
Do Any Of That!?!

Of Course Not!
I'm Not The Creator God!

Very Nice! 

Do You Still Say That Your Life Is Your Own!?!

No, I Don't
But I Will Say That The Lord God Gifted Me My Life!

So, What Do You Intend To Do With Your Gift!?!

How Many Choices Do I Have!?!

Let's Just Say ... Two ...!!

... Which Are!?!

Nothing Too Difficult:
Satisfy Self
Glorify God!

Can't I Glorify God By Satisfying Self!?!


Oh, Man!! 
Don't I Get Anything For Myself!?!

Sure, You Do!
Give God Glory By Setting Aside Self
Get God's Gifts Of Grace And Faith
His Blessings Of Peace And Rest
Truth And Righteousness
Forgiveness And Salvation
Hope And Glory!!

You Said Glory!
Do I Really Get Glory!?!

You Surely Do!

You Must Willingly Give God Your Life
Which Is His To Begin With
You Get The New Beginning
- Eternal Life -
Which Is ALMIGHTY God's Gift To Give
To The Enduring Faithful At This World's Sure End!

The New Beginning!
I Can Really Relate To New Beginnings!
I Know A Lot About Starting All Over Again!

Then You Should Have No Problem
Starting ...!

... A New Life With Jesus Christ!
I Get It!
My Life Is Not My Own!
He Could Take It
But He Desires Me To Give
Aka Gift It Back To Him!

This Is Amazing!
I Can Give God An Unique Gift
That Not One Other Creature Can Give To Him!

I Can Give Almighty God, Myself!
I'm Special!
I Can Bless God!
I Shall Bless God ...!

... Before You Go Totally Overboard
With Your Wonderful Gift To God
Let's Talk A Little Bit About ... Pride!

It's Like This ...

If You Have A Gift To Give To Almighty God
You Become So Enamored
So Proud Of The Contents
The Uniquely Beautiful Wrapping
That You Proudly Believe 
That You Have Lovingly Prepared
You Do Not Humble Yourself
By Setting Aside Self Before Your Maker
Deliver The Gift To That Holy Recipient
It Is A Present To ... Your Proud Self!


 The Proud One Is Never Humble!
The Humble One Faithful Is Never Proud!
Grace And Mercy Bless The Humble Faithful
The Cries Of The Damned Proud Will Be Loud!

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Glory For Me!?!

The Always-Present God 
His People's Refuge
To Whom They May Fly!
He Is The Great Truth, Also
Upon Whom They May Completely Rely!

The All-Knowing God Is Not A Man
Who Tells Lies For Conversation!
The All-Knowing God 
The Sovereign Lord
To Whom Man May Unafraid Run
For The Soul's Sweet, Free, Salvation!

The Living God Directs The Path Of The Faithful
So That His Feet Slip Not!
The Living God Makes Truth Shed Light
So That Man May Forego Known Sin's Blight
Not Suffer Sin's Known Blot!

The Eternal God's Home Is In Heaven Above
As Told In The Gospel Story
Be Your Head Young
Or Old And Hoary
What  Awaits The Faithful 
Jesus Christ's Surpassing Glory!
Share The Wealth!
Tell Others The Good News Story!
Trust The All-Seeing God And Grow
Live Right And Know That
Jesus Christ The King Saves
He Frees The Sin-Slave
Blesses The Sinner Saved
To Live Right And Clean
So That He Will Ascend To Heaven
To Forever Enjoy
The Forever Holy 
Blessed And Bright
Eternally Glorious
Glory Days!

Faithfulness To Jesus Christ
May Temporally Cost


Faithfulness To Jesus Christ
 Will Eternally Pay!

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

The Sign Post

At The Crossroads Of Hope And Glory
Independence And Pride
Doubt And Defiance
Not Yet And Maybe Later
The Sign Post
Plain To The Seeing Eye:

What Is The Point?

Is It Worth It?
Can You Pay The Price?
Was It Worth The Cost?

How Strange!

Very True!

Very True, It's Strange
It's Strangely Very True!?!

Pick Your Own Poison!

Poison Kills!

So Does Ignorance
Fullness Of Bread
Life Without The Peace Guide
Letting Satan Take You For A Ride!

Whatever Must One Do?!

In Heavenly Love Abide!

Let The Spirit Of God In Your Heart Reside! 

Let The Holy Angels Influence You
So That Vain Self 
Purchased Salvation
Do Not Collide
Get Out Of The Dying World
So That Known Sin
Cannot Take You For The Condemned Man's Last Ride!

Bottom Line ...

In Jesus Christ
Our Savior
Lord, God
Forever Friend



Thursday, April 26, 2018

I Call Him Master, Lord And God! + PRAYER: Lord, Let Your Glory Shine!

Through All The Changing Scenes Of My Life
There Has Been One Constant
- Against The Truth -
I Cannot Tell The Lie!

Through Cock-Ups
Outright Sinfulness
Sorrow Grief
Joy Gladness
Peace War
Sickness And Health
Want And Abundance
Jesus Christ The Righteous
- My Savior, My Lord And My God -
Has Ever Always
Been There!

Jesus Christ Cares!

I Know Jesus Christ Cares
He Cares For Me!

I Took Jesus' Love
For Granted
Such A Thing Should Never Be!

The Faithful God
So Constant
So Giving
So Blessing
So True
Is The One I Call Master
You Should Call Him That Too!!

He Sees!
He Hears!
He Knows My Fears!
I Know I Can Trust Him
That Is The Thing One Thing About Me That
Satan. Most. Fears!

I Was Young
Now I Am Old
With Sin
I No Longer Play Bold!

My Head Was Hot!
My Heart Was Cold
I Thought Nothing Of
Running With The Goat Herd!

I Did Things My Way
I Almost Paid The Cost Of Living Price
Almighty God Is Faithful
I Have The Promised New Life In Christ!

Tomorrow Is Not Promised!
Today ... To Me ... Is Free
I Thread Through Life Softly
Repair Often To The Man Who Conquered Death
On A Cruel Tree On Mount Calvary!

I ... By My Own Sin
Put Jesus Christ There!
Of The Price Of Sin, I Have A Fair Share
I Am Committed
To Not Letting His Suffering
- In My Case -
Leave In The Glorious Kingdom
An "Empty Chair!"

Salvation Came Down
Bought Pardon For Me
AND IConvinced Convicted Converted
The Royal Heavenly Blessing 
Conferred Upon Me!


Keep Me Faithful
Honest Bold Strong True
So That I May Tell The Good News
To My Brethren
All About You!

Place Truth In My Inward Parts!
From My Face
Let Your Glory Shine! 
You Are My Lord Beloved
At Your Table
By Your Grace
With You
I Desire ... Forever
To Dine! 

Friday, April 14, 2017

HAPPY SABBATH + The Little Bird Sings! + PRAYER: Lord, Help Me Sing!

I Was Saying My Prayers This Morning
When I Became Conscious Of An Intruding Song!
I Said To The Lord
With A Smile On My Face:

It Would Be Nice
To Know What That Little Birdie Is Saying!

In An Instant
In My Mind
I Caught On To The Refrain:

God  ... Is  ... Good!
God  ... Is  ... Good!
God  ... Is  ... Good!

My Smile Grew Broader!

What A Refrain
From A Little Creature
- With Feathers -
Who Heralds The Dawning
Who Pays Homage To Our Creator
No Matter The Season
The Reason
The Storm!

That Creature Small
Filled With Gratitude
Cares Not
Who Hears Him Sing
He Volubly Tells All And Sundry
About His Lord And King
Who Provides For His Welfare
Every Single Thing!


Oh, Lord
Most Holy
Please Place A Gratitude Song
Deep In My Heart
So That I May Gladly Sing
Tell Of Him
Who Puts New Songs
In New-Made Redeemed Hearts

Who To Him Cling!

Please Let My Song Sing
Of Gladness
And Joy
And Rest
And Hope
In My Holy God!

Let Peace Reign!
Let Trust Soar!
Let Thankfulness Be Triumphant
Inside Or Outside
Open Or Shut Doors!

Let Hope Sing The High Note For Joy!
Let Gladness Hum Hum Hum
A Thrilling Cadence Without Alloy!
Let Salvation
Work And Rest Peacefully In Me
Let My Heart Leap
In The Dance That Walks
- Without Growing Weary -
Unto Coming Glory!

Let Me Sing
As The Little Bird Sings
The Only Difference Being
That I Sing In Praise
Of The Lord Of Life
Who Sacrificed
And Died
To Forever Save Me!

I Will Sing!
Lord, Help Me Sing
I Love
And Praise
The Living God
My Lord
My King!

Thursday, March 30, 2017

THE LIVING GOD: Fact - Not Fable!

I Thank You, Lord
For Favor!
I Thank You, Lord
For Faith!
I Thank You, Lord
For The Grace 
The Coming Glory
The Hope For Which
Having Mere Men's Things
Cannot Erase!

When Your God
Has The Answer
To Your Problem
Long Before Your Problem
Is Before Your Eyes
Then It Is
That You Knowingly Recognise
That Your God Is Big
Big Enough
Big ... 
AND Then Some
Sufficient To The Cause
Infinitely Able
- Blessedly -
No Fable!

Such Is The Mighty God
That Many Of Us Nonchalantly Serve
Often Passing Him By
On The Street Curb
Willing Only To Give Him His Props
- By Life -
We Have Been Duly Ill-Served!

Lord Knows  ... I Have Been Guilty
It Is The Desire Of My Heart
From Henceforth
To Be Counted Amongst The Innocents
Who Believe
- By The Experience That Shows
As Faith Works And Love Grows -
That  Our God
Is No Theory
But The True Power
That Holds Out His Hand
Ready, Willing 
Supremely Able
To Grab Ahold Of The Hand
That Belongs To The Soul
Singing The Forever Psalm  ...

He's Able!
He's A Wonder!
He's A Mystery!
He Knows My Name

I Can Approach Him
In The Name
Of Him Who Died
To Absolve Me
Of Eternal Shame!

That, My Friends ...

Is No Vain Claim
Is Why
- In Triumph -
I Shall Proclaim:

Give Me My Lord Jesus
On Whom
I Am Learning To Lean
And To Whom I Cleave
As Playing With Sin
I - Disgusted - Leave!

Our Almighty God
Is Worthy  ... To Be Praised
All Of Our Days
The Promise Is To Those Who Believe
Who Will Be Rejoicing
Bringing In Their Sheaves!

I Love You, Lord
Tune Up My Heart
Help Me
To Ever Sing Unto You
Most Glorious Praise!


Take A Moment ...!
Stand Up And See ...!
The Living God Is Real ...!
God Is Always Looking ...!
God Is Always Looking Out For Me ...!
God Is Always Looking Out For Thee ...!

Friday, August 28, 2015

HAPPY SABBATH + The Great Occurrence!

There was The Great Occurrence
Which came from Heaven above
Which tells The  Beautiful Story
Of Sacrificial Love
How Jesus left His Home in Paradise
And came to Earth for to Die
To save the Race of Mankind
Sin Defiled!

He thought not of The Great Sacrifice
He thought not of The Grave Pain
He thought only of His Beloved Children and
How He must them Reclaim!

With Great Love and Unending Compassion
He laid on That Cruel Cross
For without His Great Personal Sacrifice
His Children would be forever to Him Eternally Lost!

Now this is The Redemption Story
Hear you well This Song
How Jesus my Savior
His Gold Crown Laid Down
To give me a Way Back
To be Reconciled unto The Holy God
Instead of being Forever Destroyed
Anathema to God!

Jesus Died
Yet He Lives and,
Of this, I'm Certain:

He is Coming Again One Glad Day and
Because I am a True Believer
I am packing my Blessed Faith and
I am Waiting
With Him I shall Fly
Fly Away!

Glory is Awaiting Me
Glory, No More Cross to Bear
The Glory of Jesus I shall Share
Bless His Holy Name!