The Lust, The Lust!

The Lust, The Lust

The lust, the lust, the lust I hear
Bids me, Father, to draw near
This Lord, is not what I would want
But lust is singing a pretty descant!

Today the lust in my eyes shines
And tells how I might myself refine
Oh, Lord, have mercy on my soul
For lust of the eyes burns like hot coals!

Yesterday, my heart within me raised
Desire for this fleshly sphere!
Oh, Lord have mercy on my soul
For lust of the flesh in me is like black mold!

Day after day like a clockwork mouse
The pride of life lives in this fleshly house
Oh, Lord, have mercy on my soul

Help me to live for You as I grow old! **BJC**

The Song of Praise Today is: Redemption Draweth Nigh by The King's Heralds

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