Oh, That God's Peace
Will Rest Upon The Soul Weary!
Oh, That God's Grace
Will Reveal His Mercy To The Soul Strayed
Running After The Cure!
Oh, That God's Love
Will Reveal To The Desperate Soul
The Hope for Glory!
Oh, That God's Truth
Will Shed His Light
On The Path Of The Soul
Seeking The Heavenly Home Above!
Heavenly Father,
Jesus The Christ - The Lord
Our Creator
Our Shepherd
Our Redeemer, and
Our Friend Unto The End
Who Knocks, and
Is waiting Invitation Into Our Living Door
Paid Our Price
So That We May Call You ... Father!
Oh, Lord
Grant Unto All
-Who Bid Jesus To Enter and
To Fill Our Hearts -
The Promised Fulfillment
The Celebrated Entrance and
The Everlasting Rest
In The Mansions Of The Blessed
On The Glorious and Peaceful Shore
So That We May All
Enjoy Eternity
Learning Of, and
Worshiping You!
Have Mercy, Father
And Keep Us In Your Care
Until The Great Day, and
Then Forever!
In Jesus' Holy and Blessed Name We Plead.