I don't need Instant Gratification!
I can Wait on The Lord!
I don't need bells and whistles -
Those come Compliments of The Fraud!
I will not Indulge in Blind Obedience
As called for by The Gods of The Earth!
I will Obey My Father in Heaven
Who knew Me before I was Birthed!
Blind Obedience isn't even for Blind People
Their Training leads them on The Straight Way
My Obedience - My Way - is lead by Straight Teaching
By Him who is The Truth and who doesn't have Feet of Clay!
I will not Practice a Blind Faith!
My Faith comes from The Healer of Blind Eyes
And Hearts, and Hurts
The Faithful One - Himself
The Witness
He who Suffered to Cleanse Me of The Curse of Death!
Father, I can Wait for My Blessing
The One Too Fantastic to Conceive
The Blessing from Him who is Gracious
From Him who My Sorrows did Feel!
I Will Wait ... On The Lord!