Showing posts with label #HappySabbath. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #HappySabbath. Show all posts

Friday, June 19, 2015

HAPPY SABBATH + Day Is Dying In The West! + Prayer: Father, I Remember You!

Day is dying in the West!
Call upon Jesus
That is His Request!
Don't worry, and wonder
And tremble and cry!
And Old Sin deny!

Look upon Jesus!
Faithful is He!
Ask for a blessing
And you will see
That He is Eternal - Faithful and True!
Call upon Jesus!
He is calling to you!

Turn from your sin!
Give Jesus your days!
He is The Master!
He is the Way
To find Grace and Great Mercy
Peace and Sweet Rest
Call out to Jesus
And you will be blessed!

Father, I remember You 
And the Love and Bounty that You provide to me each and every day!
I thank You for my spared life
For a roof over my head
For health, for strength and
For friends and family!
When I look at the Sunset
I wonder, Lord, what is there within me
That makes You paint the Skies in masterpiece?
I listen to the Evensong of the birds
And am amazed at their Hymn of Worship
And I feel truly blessed, Father, for that glimpse
Into Eternity to keep me singing my Song of Praise
Until The Day Breaks!
Oh, Father, have Mercy on Your People
This Blessed Sabbath!
I pray that You will provide for each
According to his need 
For food, for shelter, for care
For comfort, for Help, for Healing
A Kind Word
A Thoughtful Deed
A Touch from a Hand Of The Household Of Faith
The Comfort Of The Blessed Hope and
The Peaceful Assurance of The Holy Spirit!
Father, I know that the Blessings You will bestow this Day
Will be just a little preview of The Blessings In Our Eternal Home
And I thank You!
Oh, Lord, I Praise You, I Honor You
I Bless You and I Worship You
As a Child Beloved!
I Love You, Lord
And I Thank You for Hearing, and Answering Prayer!
Come soon, Lord!

Friday, June 12, 2015

HAPPY SABBATH +The Prayer Family

Okay, Class! Let's continue:

Ernest Lee and Percy Vering Prayer are fraternal twins who are identical!

Their mother, Mayn Lee Prayer, has a twin herself who is called Cahm Lee Prayer.



But ...?!

Yes, yes!! Ask your question!

How come Mayn Lee Prayer and Cahm Lee Prayer have the same last name if they are both married with children?

Good question!

And the good answer is ...?

Good answer is that a Prayer married a Prayer!


So their names are Mayn Lee and Cahm Lee Prayer-Prayer!

Good gracious!

Get it?

Pray a Prayer! 

You crack me up!

Anyway, Mayn Lee is married to Fas N. Prayer whose father is People N. Prayer whose wife is Victoria S. Prayer whose Granny is Abiden Prayer.

Well, you could imagine how it is when all these Prayers come together!

You see, all of these Prayers married other Prayers.

Some have remained faithful and, sadly, a few have not!

There is now a branch in The Family that is totally off the wall:

Vile Prayer-Labyrinth
Laffinh Prayer
Prayer Tudee-Aire and
Du-Spell Ahn Prayer

are creating problems for

DeChurch N. Prayer
Power N. Prayer
Prayer Fuhde Power and Restlin N. Prayer!

Anyway, Goode and Faithful Lorde are the Overseers of the Congregation and they do not stand for nonsense, new-age nuggets, nor one-world common ground foolishness!

They have issued "The Directive" requiring Heartfelt Prayer to be the standard bearer - no exceptions!

There has been much grumbling by the youngsters who want to "go modern," but Steadfast N. Prayer wouldn't allow any deviations, and Re Pente and BeYou Baptized are armed and ready for the fight that is coming.

Never Theless, All Said, Ann Done, Tudee Finish, Gaud S. Gain, and Glory B. Prayzed have joined with Hymm Sing and Gausspel and Gauds Troof at the home of Maintin N.  and Tarree N. Prayer to petition for Power To Overcome.

The triplets, Icahn, Ucahn, and Lettus Prayer sang "God Will Make A Way!" while their father, Daycahn Prayer, played the guitar - their mother Lourdes Prayer said the benediction.

Besides a few black sheep, I am sure Grandfather Godly Prayer would be pleased with his legacy!

The Prayers sound good!

Want to meet one of them?


Saint Lee meet This S. Prayer!


Friday, June 5, 2015

HAPPY SABBATH + Prayer: Father, My Life Is The Light You Gave Me

Father, You said: "Let there be Light!"
And the Light entered my soul!
The darkness of night fled away
And the Light of Life Day did appear
And with the working of Your Holy Spirit, Lord
You made The Way appear clear!

You placed the Firmament above my head
Causing me to seek Heaven even though Earth is my bed!
You fill me with Water and provide me with Bread
And at each new morning You give hope for what's ahead!

My life is the Light You gave me
To shine for You in the wide wild world
But ... I am sorry, Great Father
I am often light out among them, cold - a churl!

Forgive me, Dear Father
I beseech You today
Renew me, refresh me
Send Holy Spirit - this is my prayer!

Lord, let me not care for my body
Before I care for my soul
Send You the Quiet Dew of Watering
Which by Your Love and Grace You bestow!

Oh, Lord, let me not be foolish
Choosing Earth instead of Heaven sublime
For at the Day of Your Returning
I'd be lost, cast off, denied!

Lord, renew, remake, seal
Reveal Your Will for me
And the Way that I should walk on this Earth as a sojourning pilgrim
Unrooted in this foreign land
Restless for Righteousness
Dissatisfied with Pomp
Unphased by Circumstance
Unperturbed by Situation
Thankful for Plenty
Undismayed by Want
Knowing You provide for my Need
And, please, let pleasure for pleasure's sake be pleasure denied.

Let nothing come between us, Dear Father
Let no joy come between me and Peace
Let Grace forever fall upon me
And let Mercy spell sweet, sweet, relief.

I bow before You in worship
I sing a joyous song to render praise
I walk in The Path toward Zion
Where forever on Your lovely Face I will gaze.

I give back to You all that You gave me -
Body, Will, Way and my Soul
These are my presents to You, Dear Father
You, whom I totally adore!

I ask that You return only body and soul, Lord
When they have Your finish - immortal, and made of Heaven's pure gold!
Send me, direct me
Lord, lead me!
Lead me to my Heavenly Forever Home!