Showing posts with label 1 Peter 1:7. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1 Peter 1:7. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRAYER: Father, Why Are Cast-off Burdens Coming Back and Bothering Me?

Greetings, Dear Ones!

Today's offering is by Special Request of one of our Fellow Travelers who is bothered, as the title suggests, by certain burdens which, though given up, are forever in view and causing problems.

I pray that this response will not only be a blessing to the Requester, but also to others of us who may be similarly "assaulted!"

I also encourage the Brethren to visit the following link:

May your hearts be blessed this day, and always!


Lord, I laid down this burden last week last night, AND,
today, I find that it’s still here! 
I know for sure that I sent it to You
BUT, Father, here it is in plain sight ... again!
Father, some of my burdens, it seems, when dropped, soon die
But others sent away grab my shoe
And, wherever I turn, look around, or sit on a pew
There they are, sticking to me like super glue!
My loves, my hates, my problems with dates -
Calendar and opposite sex -
Are chewing on me
Begging compromise
As if love’s a commodity!
Father, You said in Your Word
To say a prayer - it will be heard -
So, please, deliver me of my load
On this day of decision
For life and hope are on a course for massive collision.
You say that You care and that
All I need to do is give You of my load.
I gave You the load which is now acting the goad
And, Father, now my circuit is on overload!

My Child, I have told you before
That burdens are like sin at the core.
If a whiff in the nose
Or a speck on white clothes
They will always announce
Pronounce and control.
Cliches from all man
"Let GO and let GOD" and
"Trust and Don't Pay!"
Are not as trite as they appear.
Trust Me with the burden -
Don't pay for the solution.
Walk by your Faith in Me
Not by the sight you see
Nor by the worldly wisdom of those 
Who now seek to lead Thee.
Give Me ALL your cares -
ALL of them - not just shares.
Go commando - bare it all!
Liberate your skin from sin -
Go all in!
Child, look at Me!
Not the date - but the Tree.
I AM big enough
And have Love enough
To comfort you in all ways.
Don’t be like Lot’s wife
Who believed things her soul satisfied
And perished for pride 
Of life, and lust of flesh and eye which -
Instead of Me - were glorified.
Mrs. Lot, even though warned
Took no heed and did scorn the
Prohibition which upon her had been laid.
Instead of running away
She dragged her feet, and looked back
And a pillar of salt is how she forever stayed.
Believe, Child of Mine, that
I AM Kind, Love Divine
For, for love of YOU, I suffered and died!
You are on My Heart inscribed
You are The Nail Holes in My Hands and Feet
The Spear Mark in My Side
The Thorn Scars on My Brow
The Apple of My Eye
I love You! Trust ME
And the Over-comer you will forever be!
Let Me set you free
For you can’t help yourself
But I - The Son of Man
You know that I - alone - can!

In moments of seeming despair, 
Choose to REMEMBER that
burdens, like Me, were lifted at Calvary.

So, give Me that load
Let it go - no more to goad
You to despair
For I AM - alone - forever here for You,
My Blessed and Greatly Beloved Child!

BLED to give you New Birth
Was CRUCIFIED for your Consecration
Is Faithful to give you Grace
Is Just to forgive you your Sins
Was Sacrificed to Sanctify you for Salvation
Was Glorified to give you a Crown

So, if you Trust Me
Give Me 
your bewildering burdens which
bewitch belief, benumb the brain
harden the heart and seek to
strangle the Spirit.
Give Me
that darkening dust of despair, 
dread desire, and damning delusion!
Let GO of the Burden!
Place the Burden, in faith, on Me - I AM able!
Don't take back the Burden!
Walk away from the Burden
Do Not Look Back!
I AM ... The Lord Almighty to Save
I CAN ... Bear your Load, and
I DO ... It for Love