Showing posts with label Mirror. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mirror. Show all posts

Friday, March 26, 2021

HAPPY SABBATH + Be Not Dismayed Nor Discouraged When You Are Dismissed And Disparaged!

We Who Hold Our Lord In Godly Fear ... In Awe
Will Never Have To Deal With Misplaced Trust
Or Decimating Despair! 

Our God Is Holy 
His Word Is Eternally True! 

His Love For Us Is Infinite 
His Blessings Are Perfect For Me And For You! 


There Are Those Around ... And Among Us 
Who Will Question Our Christianity
The Way We Worship
Our Personal Commitment To The Lord Christ
His Perfect Law Of Liberty
Which Is The Very Mirror Which Tells Us 
Where We Are Going Wrong 
How We Should Walk Aright! 

Mirrors Declare!
Mirrors Don't Repair!

Please Do Not Be Dismayed Or Discouraged
With The Whole Lot Of Useless And Unprofitable Talk
In Jesus' Name 
Do Not Become Defensive When You Truly Know That 
You Are Living According To The Will Of Almighty God!
Don't Listen To The Agents Of Satan, The God-Fraud! 

I Beseech Us All
No Matter Who Disparages 
Or Dismisses Your Walk With The Lord Christ
Continue To Walk Right According The Master's Will!
Any Other Way To Walk
Nothing More Than Satan's Pig Swill! 

When You Are Feeling Weak
Give Your Burden To The Lord 
Fervently Pray  ... Without Ceasing
By Unfailing Faith Press On! 
The Day To Go Home Is Soon About To Dawn!

Please Do Not Give In To The Naysayers 
Who Are As Braying Donkeys 
Do Not Give In To The Gainsayers 
Whose Idea Of Profit 
Eternal Loss!
Choose To Remember The Lord Christ 
On Calvary's Cruel And Accursed Cross! 

Jesus Christ Calls Us 
He Cares For Us! 

Jesus Christ's Love Lifts Us Up 
So Rest Assured That He Will Never Lie To Us 
Or Leave Us To Do Battle Alone! 

Remember That The Eternal Word Of The Living God
Is Not 
A Holey Known-Leaky Sieve:
Trust The Word
Look Up ... And Live!

Friday, October 3, 2014

Marston 'n Marcelle's Marriage

Marston 'n Marcelle's Marriage

Marston looked at the rising sun and saw
Another challenge waiting to victimize!
Marcelle looked at the same rising sun and saw
Another blessing – oh praise Him who supplies!

Marston looked at the mirror and there he saw
Miserable weariness on the face of years!
Marcelle looked in the same mirror and saw
Happy tiredness on a face with no fears!

Marston looked at the old horse and saw
Just another drain upon their oft' meager supplies!
Marcelle looked at the same old horse and saw
A faithful laborer who never gave a surprise!

He looked at Her and She looked at Him
Each looked at the other, and saw deep within
He saw the peace that she held most dear
She saw anger, bitterness, and much despair!

They both spoke at the same time!
Both wanted to be heard!
She said: “You go first!”
He said: “Don't be absurd!”

This, my friends, is how it is
When unequally yolked two partners be
She says: “It is an 'A!'” He says: “Oh, you mean 'Z!'”
And so, Dear Ones, they can never agree!

Darkness and Light, Blackness and White
She means By Faith, He means By Sight
She holds her Bible dear, He won't ever come near
He won't go to Bible Class, They are ever at an impasse!

For many years, Marcelle faithfully prayed ... to God!
For many years, Marston faithfully played ... the Fraud
Until one fateful day not too long past
He came very near to breathing his last!

And so it was that perspectives aligned
She asked to pray for him, and he ever so quickly replied:
"Dear Wife, I am sorry for all that I've done and been!
Pray to your Jesus! I need to be made clean!”

So after years of pleading and praying for him
Marcelle prayed to The Dear Lord, and asked Him to draw nigh
To her beloved husband along life's journey e'er long
And thanked the Almighty for His love so kind and true
For keeping this Dear One so that he, too
Could be welcomed into the Household of Faith
As he had now forsaken what was his great disgrace!

Oh clean him, Lord bless him, as he walks the narrow way
And by Your Grace, Father, we'll see You faith to Face!” **BJC**

Sunday, September 14, 2014

God's Workmanship - A Poem

Greetings, Dear Ones!

     I hope every one had a Happy Sabbath, and that all is well in your world!

     I recently had the occasion to gaze upon a set of photographs showing what men, surgeons of high degrees - who "knew" that they could fix with a knife, surgical vacuum and filler and pads, etc., what the Lord through Christ Jesus had created with His own hand - had done to the faces of those who had sought their professional skills to "fix" what "ailed" them, or else ...! You may add your own ending to the previous sentence!

     To say that the end result for all those persons seeking perfection for already beauteous faces/features is a dire testament to the price paid for those of us whose hearts are so burdened with the things of this world, that we are willing to destroy ourselves for what is ephemeral. It is so much smoke and mirrors, and it makes me very sad.

     There was a time when this type of behavior was displayed by the "rich and famous!" Now this behavior is to be found among the "regular" people.

     In Ephesians 2:10 KJV, we see the following:

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. 

    In Song of Solomon 4:7 ESV, we see the following:  

You are altogether beautiful, my love; there is no flaw in you.

     Can't we  learn to be satisfied with what the Good Lord has done for us, unless it is out of medical necessity?

     In the old days, we often heard the elders say: "Beauty fades, but ugly lasts for ever!" and "She/he is handsome/beautiful, but he/she has no mind!" What an indictment!

    We are asked to look at people/self in the same manner as our Lord did when He was with the Prophet Samuel as he was doing the Lord's commission to find an earthly king for Israel: " ...[M]an looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks upon the heart." 1 Samuel 16:7 in part, ESV.

     What is wrong with many of us is NOT external, it is internal, and only Jesus Christ the Great Physician can fix what ails us.

    Dear Ones, let us forget about those things which fade, and look, instead, toward to the Eternal Kingdom and Eternity with our Lord and our God.

    Today's offerings are poems - one has its own page, and is entitled God's Workmanship, and one which appears at the bottom of this post  is entitled Mirror Therapy.

    God does not makes mistakes! He made each and every one of us just right!

     Sin caused the problem.

     Our God has, and is, the solution!




The mirrors in the olden days
Always replied when queried
Who’s the fairest of them all?”
You always are, my dearie!”

I had this mirror on my wall
That’s now sitting on a shelf
Because whenever I looked I saw
Someone not my reflected self!

I wondered how this was possible,
And my mirror calmly replied:
You don’t like yourself very much
And it’s reflected outside!”

I decided to change my image by Design
By enhancing the Miracle inside me,
The mirror stands proudly back on the wall
And my Inner Vision shines back at me! **BJC**