Showing posts with label #Truth-seekers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Truth-seekers. Show all posts

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Around The Truth?!

Today I found out something
That made me feel real bad!
I liked being "around the truth"
And that, of course, makes Jesus sad.

Now, if I had been "in" the truth
My life would be so peaceful
But being around the truth
Allowed me to act wholly deceitful.

I put on my "stepping out in-the-truth" clothes
I put on my "walking in-the-truth" shoes
I put on my "showing myself to be in-the-truth" face
But I did not ingest the truth - nor did I seek its embrace.

I spoke great words of truth to all
I sang the songs of truth for all
I even went down by the market stalls
And that is when I had a bad taste of bitter gall.

Old Delbert was a simple man
Who knew His God and His Salvation Plan
And when he asked me to stay for a span
I should have run for he proceeded my guilty conscience-flame to fan.

Old Delbert lovingly tore me to shreds
Asking me to believe in God and not only with my head
He strongly, gently, pushed, and urged
Me to stop trusting in God by using the Bell curve.

Oh, dear, I said within my mind
If he wasn't so nice I would have cussed out his behind
For denying me my most sacred cows
Lip service, good works but no holy unto God vows.

What more does this God want from me?
I already give him my time and money!
Shouldn't I have something for myself
For after working hard I need to set me a spell!?

I must have me some "Me-time!"
No sharing, no touching, no thoughts
Of others - nor God - just leave me alone!
I gotta have me a gossip! Where my telephone?

Well, I had me my good old gossip, see
And that is when I realized that Grandma FiFi
Was writhing on the floor and reaching out for me
And that is when I screamed out for God
And realized all along that ...I ... had ... been ... a real fraud
For I wanted God to do me a good
Because I wanted, no,  needed it - not because I soundly stood
Upon His Words of Life
But because - for good or ill - I was under life's knife
And needed a friend - The True Friend - God - He
Who would do me a solid even though I was ... ungodly!

My heart in my hand!
My head in the can!
I finally realized that God ain't a Man!
Denial, disrespect, dishonor to Him I gave
But now that I'm in trouble
I want Him to save me
From hurt, grief, destruction
And I saw myself for a slave
To life, to time - I could bondage escape
If only the Truth wasn't just on the page!

Lord, help me to stand!
Please, please, forgive me!
I now understand!
Have Mercy!

Dear Ones,

Even though we take Jesus Christ for granted, He welcomes our Repentant, Humble, Sorrowful, Broken, Hearts to His Everlasting AND Forgiving Arms!

He is waiting! Call on Him! He will answer YOU!!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

God DOESN'T Change

God DOESN'T Change

The Lord is still on His throne
And the Truth is still the Truth
Don't let the skeptics sway you now
For Jesus is soon coming down – the signs are around you!

Some people they would have you believe
That our God IS rolling with the times
Don't trust their word I pray you
For they're just trying to sway you – from the Truth!

Malachi 3 verse 6 clearly says
For I am the Lord, I change not; …”
So when someone you trust is telling you otherwise
You'll know that they're among the unwise – don't trust them!

Yesterday, today, forever and ever
Our God is always the same
No fits or starts with commands to amend
On His Sure Word you can always depend – believe it!

It's only those with personal agendas
And remits from that Dragon so foul
Who whistle in the wind, spit up in the air
And put truth-seekers on three-legged chairs – unclean spirits!

I beseech, I'll plead, I'll even beg you if I need
To make sure of what it is you believe
Take down the old Bible from off the top shelf
And read the Word's Words for yourself – they're trustworthy!

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
The Master warned us in Matthew 24:4 to ... “Take
heed that no man deceive you.” This was/is no idle warning as,
at this time of the end, many are changing, misinterpreting,
deleting, questioning, doubting and causing others to doubt
the Inspired Word, and even trying to force others
to deny the Lord Jesus Christ on penalty of death!
I implore you to know for your own self:
(1) in whom you believe;
(2) why you believe in this being;
(3) whether you can stand up and DEFEND your belief; and
(4) if you are willing to die for said belief!
We are living in perilous times, and soon we will all
have to face the “music” if we CHOOSE (and it is a choice)
I am asking each one of us to take the time to write
a sentence or paragraph or essay outlining
WHY we have our hope in Jesus Christ.
Are you able to say why?
YOU had better be sure for yourself because
neither the Bishop, Pastor, Preacher, Teacher, Guru,
Priest, Apostle, Guide, Companion,
nor the Prophet can answer for you!
Stand up for AND Hold on to King Jesus!