Think about this:
Sin is like Slug slime - It goes Unnoticed until Light shines on it!
Sin is like Water - It Finds its Own Level!
Sin is like Lice - You Learn The Effects After You Suffer The Effects!
Sin is like a Tornado - Malevolent Beautiful with an Intensely Destructive Core!
Sin is like a "game" of Russian Roulette with a Fully Loaded Gun - Whatever You Do, You're Dead!
Please think ... and Pray.
Sin Is Rocky Road Ice-cream
I met Sin - He was alone
We talked - I laughed
He took Me to see The Mansion - it was his Home and
He brought me his Favorite Rocky Road Ice cream Cone!
I was impressed!
The Mansion was an Open Plan Delight!
The Mood Lighting was such that you never see The Night!
And my ice-cream cone?
Ahhhh! A delight in every bite!
Red and Green Cherries
Gooey Marshmallows
Golden Raisins
Orange Peel
Crunchy Almonds
And Bitter Chocolate Bits in Chocolate Cream - I ate with zeal!
I even Licked The Runny Bits on My Arm and Sleeve
And ... Would you believe it?
I started to Sneeze
And Sneeze!
I Sneezed!
I Coughed!
My Eyes did burn!
My Throat grew raspy!
I started to Squirm!
And that is when Sin informed me -
And I learned
That I was infected!
I Left that Mansion!
I Ran all The Way
Home to The Shelter!
Oh, how I did Pray
And Plead, and Beseech
For The Cleansing that Day!
I was Healed, but for Sin I did Pay!
I ran Home to Jesus
I showed Him my Throat and
He Diagnosed
That Sin was indeed the Problem
And Salvation was The Only Cure!
He uttered: "Forgiveness!"
He said: "Go with Sin no more!"
I opened My Heart!
He walked in The Door!
Today I Stand - a Testimony to You
To Prove to The World
What Almighty God can do!
Don't let Satan and his Minions Fool You
Sin-Sweet Rocky-Road Ice-cream will Kill
If You Continue to Chew!
Stick to Vanilla Ice-cream!
No Unpronounceable Name Ingredients
which Produce
Unexpected, Unwanted Consequences!
Rich and Creamy All-Natural Vanilla Ice-cream
1 Gallon of Milk of Mindfulness of The Word
1 Pound of Pure Cane Sugar of Sanctification
1 Drop of Pure Essence of The Holy Spirit
1 Tsp. of Sacrifice-Salt of The Savior
1 Pod of Pure Vanilla Bean Binding Body and Belief
Mix all ingredients to #JesusSaves consistency. Pour into an
Eye Fixed On Eternity Container and Place in A Heart For Christ Freezer.
Ready To Eat when I Have Decided To Follow Jesus is Indicated.
Garish with Slivers of No Turning Back Chocolate, Red Confession and Repentance Cherries, and a Sprig of Mint of Washed in Baptism. Eat with Relish of Relief!
1. Heart Right With God
2. Holy Spirit Leading
3. Eternal Life Ticket on Bound For Glory Gospel Train
Serving Size: All You Can Eat
Indications: Salve To The Sin-Sick Soul
Specifications: Clean to Eat!
Maker: God The. Divine
Request of The Maker: Share To EVERYONE!