Showing posts with label #CallUponJesus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #CallUponJesus. Show all posts

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Little Sin Lied!

One day I met #LittleSin
Who was seeking for a home
He told me that he didn't eat much
He just wanted some place to call his own!

Naive and Gentle as I was
I saw no harm in helping
A weary traveler on the Way
Looking for a safe place to stay!

Little did I know that day
Little Sin had a Game of Beguilement To Play!
When I wasn't looking his way
He was in my cupboard eating away!

Much Time had passed
And I asked one day:
"Little Sin? When are you going away?"
He growled at me - I looked his way
And then I - frightened - started backing away!

Little Sin had enormous grown!
He now claimed my house as his very own!
He spilled out, and up, covering my telephone
And sought to keep me cut off, and on my own!

"Alas! Alack!
Oh, Lord! Help me! Help me!
I'm back! I'm under attack!
I didn't realize what I was doing!
That Little Sin had crowded You Out
And now I can to You just barely shout!"

"Help me, Lord!
Oh, how I repent!
Incaution! Disregard!
Of these, Lord, I do repent!"

"Please help me, now
Dear Lord, I pray
For Little Sin is Big
And is determined in my house to stay!"

Oh, Child of Mine
I will rescue Thee!
Walk, cry, to Me -
I truly love Thee!
Your cry for help
Galvanizes Me, and
I will rescue
Rescue, rescue Thee!

Little Sin Big put up quite a fight
But my God was Lord -
He let in the Son Light!
And Little Sin Big
Was put out into the Night
And my home was rid
Of The Baleful Consuming Blight!

"I thank you, Lord
For You always save
Bless me, Lord, Keep me
Make me Your Slave!
Help me to walk
In Your Straight Holy Ways
And I know I will see You
In The Bright Day's Blaze

Friday, June 19, 2015

HAPPY SABBATH + Day Is Dying In The West! + Prayer: Father, I Remember You!

Day is dying in the West!
Call upon Jesus
That is His Request!
Don't worry, and wonder
And tremble and cry!
And Old Sin deny!

Look upon Jesus!
Faithful is He!
Ask for a blessing
And you will see
That He is Eternal - Faithful and True!
Call upon Jesus!
He is calling to you!

Turn from your sin!
Give Jesus your days!
He is The Master!
He is the Way
To find Grace and Great Mercy
Peace and Sweet Rest
Call out to Jesus
And you will be blessed!

Father, I remember You 
And the Love and Bounty that You provide to me each and every day!
I thank You for my spared life
For a roof over my head
For health, for strength and
For friends and family!
When I look at the Sunset
I wonder, Lord, what is there within me
That makes You paint the Skies in masterpiece?
I listen to the Evensong of the birds
And am amazed at their Hymn of Worship
And I feel truly blessed, Father, for that glimpse
Into Eternity to keep me singing my Song of Praise
Until The Day Breaks!
Oh, Father, have Mercy on Your People
This Blessed Sabbath!
I pray that You will provide for each
According to his need 
For food, for shelter, for care
For comfort, for Help, for Healing
A Kind Word
A Thoughtful Deed
A Touch from a Hand Of The Household Of Faith
The Comfort Of The Blessed Hope and
The Peaceful Assurance of The Holy Spirit!
Father, I know that the Blessings You will bestow this Day
Will be just a little preview of The Blessings In Our Eternal Home
And I thank You!
Oh, Lord, I Praise You, I Honor You
I Bless You and I Worship You
As a Child Beloved!
I Love You, Lord
And I Thank You for Hearing, and Answering Prayer!
Come soon, Lord!