My God is a jealous lover -
He doesn’t ever His affections share!
And He has no blessing for a so-follower
Who choses to sit in the adulterer’s chair!
My God is not into brekkin’ up fractions
He is seriously into all - or none
So if you feel that sharing your affections is appropriate
You are looking down the barrel of The Coming King's gun!
My God plainly says to all who would love Him
How the relationship is going to progress
He states up front everything that He is going to give you
And that He expects nothing less in return but your best!
For My God your best is your whole heart
Not a heart torn with "What if?", and "Maybe possibly!"
His chosen phrases from all who would follow Him are
"My God, I forsake the world!" and
"My God, I follow only Thee!"
Now, to my mind the request of My God is not a burden
For the reward on my investment pays infinite returns
All My God gets in exchange is ruined merchandise
For which He's paid the ultimate price!
It must be love that My God is feeling!
Why else would he put up with any such as me
Who is fickle, black-hearted and decidedly foul-mouthed
Whether I’m looking north, east, west or just plain south?
My God wants me to pray to Him! - I can do that!
My God wants me to praise Him! - I can sing a song!
My God wants me to have and show faith in Him! - Hmmm... I’m working on that!
And He wants me to read The Good Book from which He says Faith comes along!
My God does not require much of me!
He says being yoked to Him is easy and any burden He wants carried is light!
So, considering all the treasures He has long-lense glimpsed me
I’m determined to join in whatever cause He fights!
My God warned me about a fallen angel
A powerful and deceitful creature marked for eternal death
Who covets everything that My God possesses
And chooses to see all My God’s lovers dead!
My God told me the fallen angel’s name was Lucifer n/k/a Satan
His claim to fame is that he is the Father of Lies
He also is the Author of Chaos and Confusion
And the base/bold Denier of Jesus Christ, The Son of God - Love crucified!
Blind the eye and deceive the heart are Satan's modus operandi
Divide and conquer - and separate and sully - his stated goal
His determination is that Jesus Christ should not have a servant, and
To rain death on believers, and even those who are looking to take a-hold
Of faith, of redemption, of the Redeemer, and
To seize salvation, and stake a claim on real estate of bright gold, and
To receive a new name, a harp, and righteous, white, garments
And entry into God’s Eternal Fold!
So, if you want in on My God’s action
Deny Satan and self, and let My God make your sorry soul whole!
You must keep yourself from false gods, and useless idols
And one day, My God - in His Glory - you will assuredly behold!